We are 100% donor-funded and rely on the support of generous individuals to provide compassionate resources to animal caretakers worldwide. We were in fear of losing some of our precious donkeys because the guinea grass that they are fed was becoming sparse and would no longer be available. Be sure you check hay for waste and dispose of any contaminated hay. I would feed a few slabs of hay a day per donkey and see how quickly they eat it up. It can have numerous health benefits and mirrors how they feed in the wild. Donkeys don’t generally need to eat grass alongside hay/haylage for a large part of the year when nutrients are fairly high in growing grass. What does contingent mean in real estate? The good feed we are on, if not combined with exercise, results in overeating and over weight. There is a great temptation to buy Sudan grass hay as it is CHEAP - it can be found in areas around Arizona for about $6/bale and Bermuda and alfalfa are expensive! Jul 25, 2008 Northeast Arkansas. Meadow Hay is a natural mix of grasses made from grass grown on old pasture and is suitable for feeding to donkeys. Grass-foundered equines move gingerly, like they’re walking on eggshells and are often unwilling to turn or move at all. Given time they will learn to enjoy the grass hay. Players can have two Provence donkeys. A farrier visit had already been scheduled and she said it was white line in all 4 feet. Crimping hay crushes the beetles into the hay. Donkeys enjoy foraging and they are mostly pretty good at finding the nutrients they need. Additionally, many foods for cows contain monensin and urea, both potentially hazardous to donkey health. Donkeys may ingest the lead in the environment through the consumption of grass, clover, and dandelion or from chewing or licking on tainted surfaces. Our standard donkey who is the easiest keeper came up lame in one leg about 5 days ago. and not too much chaff as this can lead to impaction. There will be no waste as the remainder can be used for bedding. Possums are wonderful animals that do a lot for our local ecosystems. Reply Delete. I would test Teff hay to make sure it is safe. Do not feed alfalfa which is too high in protein, except foals may benefit from small amounts of alfalfa. I know what Timothy hay is, I am unfamiliar with coastal Bermuda. If size is very different between your horse and donkey, you may want to explore a hay feeder that the horse can eat out of but the donkey can’t – kind of a “reverse creep feeder”. Hay should be of horse quality, meaning it should be kept indoors out of bad weather and it should not be moldy or dusty when cut open. Odelia enjoys a walk in the weeds of springtime. Crushing or chemically eradicating the beetles does not diminish the toxin potency. Cantharidin can severely injure or kill donkeys when even a small amount is ingested. Yes, donkeys can eat alfalfa hay. crocee New Member. Signs of a snakebite may include: Seek veterinary care immediately if a donkey is bitten by a venomous snake. A hay’s protein content and Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) should be below 35% for goats. You have to fertilize it every year. They can most certainly eat it, just don't over feed it (as with anything else). Answer: I can't say that donkeys are better than horses, but that they are different and have their own special advantages (and disadvantages). Donkeys need a balanced diet of mainly straw along with grass or hay. Seed Hay is also good for donkeys. It can be a challenge to ensure donkey residents have healthy, happy lives after coming to a sanctuary, and there are many different aspects of care to consider each day. We feed a grain mix to our average sized mules of 1-2 cups of crimped oats, 1oz. Alfalfa hay typically has more calories per pound than grass hay, so if you are feeding your horse alfalfa hay, he may need to consume less hay to maintain his body weight. There are some varieties of Bermuda… Donkeys need less protein and more fiber than horses and are able to thrive off of far less palatable fare. Donkeys enjoy foraging and they are mostly pretty good at finding the nutrients they need. Unfortunately, possum feces can carry the protozoan that is responsible for causing equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). They're more economical, as they can (and should) eat lower-quality forage. I will try to enlighten you on the good about feeding Tifton hays. Donkeys do love their hay. Non-medicated cow, goat, and bird foods are not good for your donkeys, and medicated feeds can be fatal! Safe donkey hay should be about 5-6% NSC (that is WSC + Starch on a test). Hay Harvest, Ontario Hay. Donkeys and mules can utilize more mature, less digestible, more fibrous plant material than a horse. Snake venom varies by species, and the severity of a bite can also be influenced by size, age, and the number of bites. Depending on the severity of the bit, treatments may include antivenin, pain medications, fluid therapy, wound treatment, tetanus, Compassionate Wildlife Practices At Your Animal Sanctuary. Hay of that type can be fed free choice to both donkeys and goats. For low sugar hay options however, you can look for any warm season grass hay. Talk to you later. Hay bales of coastal Bermuda or another quality hay native to your region is preferred over alfalfa because alfalfa hay is too rich in protein. They must be placed near a donkey stable to be bought. You can read more about compassionate ways to manage wildlife populations at your sanctuary here! Feeding the wrong diet to your donkey can have devastating consequences to your donkey's health. The safest bet is to only give species-appropriate food to donkeys, and design you food storage rooms to prevent cross-contamination. There are more than 200 different species, and they can be found from Mexico to Southern Canada, and from the east coast of the United States as far west as New Mexico. The UK Donkey Sanctuary recommends 75% of a donkey's diet be barley straw and 25% low sugar hay, with an increase in hay during winter. What Do Donkeys Eat? The safest bet is to only give species-appropriate food to donkeys, and design you food storage rooms to prevent cross-contamination. A minimum of 1.0% of roughage daily is needed to maintain gut health. With bermuda you can't just plant it and walk away like you can with clover, fescue, etc. https://www.answers.com/Q/Can_donkeys_eat_and_stand_on_Bermuda_grass They will do best with a fairly low protein bermuda and/or native grass hay. If you suspect Blister Beetle Poisoning, contact your veterinarian immediately. Other alternatives include using your local cool season grass hay and soaking it for 30-60 min then drain out the water and feel the wet hay. Some wood stains and paints can be toxic to donkeys. Donkeys that have ingested food with ionophores may exhibit restlessness, sweating, incoordination, and colic. (c) MJ Miller. Since donkeys are desert animals, they can gain weight easily, so keep an eye on their condition and limit their pasture access if you start seeing a weight problem. If your pasture is rich and of a good quality grass such as coastal Bermuda (that's what we grow in this part of Texas), hay isn't necessary during the summer. It's not their favorite but they will eat it. How Much Does a Donkey Eat? Mr. Mule is made to last 20 to 30 years and his big ‘ole horse-type body must stand on those little hooves he got from his daddy, Mr. Donkey. If they do not, avoid using them and find another supplier. Timothy hay is a suitable hay for donkeys, but is not going to provide the combination of energy and protein (essential amino acids) that your donkey needs to gain weight at this age. What should you not feed donkeys? They will do best with a fairly low protein bermuda and/or native grass hay. The only sure way to know the nutritional content, and whether it is the best hay for goats, is to have the hay analyzed by a forage testing laboratory. Mr. Mule is made to last 20 to 30 years and his big ‘ole horse-type body must stand on those little hooves he got from his daddy, Mr. Donkey. Moist, warm environments make a perfect recipe for mold reproduction. Hardware disease can have devastating effects on any resident. Watch out for any intact seed heads (remove them!) Donkeys come into contact with cantharidin by ingesting alfalfa ha… I am also unfamiliar with that brand of feed, but that sounds okay. Donkeys eat dry matter and fibrous foods such as straw, hay, bark and shrubs. Ideally your hay … It is usually a fairly quick and easy process. Luckily, there are a number of steps you can take to help ensure resident donkeys do not suffer the ill effects of mycotoxin poisoning: If you are concerned about the possibility of mycotoxin contamination, have your food stores tested. If feeding hay, you can extend the length of time they spend eating their hay meals by feeding them in hay nets or slow feeders. Yes, donkeys can eat alfalfa hay. Mycotoxins can affect donkeys through contaminated food or bedding. The most common location for a donkey to be bitten are on the nose or leg. Knowing what donkeys eat is not enough in maintaining donkeys. Please see The Open Sanctuary Project’s Global Toxic Plant Database and filter Species Afflicted by equines in order to see a list of plants across the world that are toxic to donkeys. Avoid very rich hay, such as fertilized Bermuda and any alfalfa. In about 1720, American farmer Timothy Hanson began to promote this grass as a hay crop in North America, and it has kept his name ever since. Knowing what donkeys eat is not enough in maintaining donkeys. Check out our resource on Hardware Disease prevention here, Having the soil tested at your sanctuary is an easy way to learn if the environment is safe for residents. Donkeys kept indoors require a floor-level feed bin or corner-floor feeder placed so that feed cannot get soiled. He can eat free choice hay as long as it is grass hay, but no alfalfa, or broad leaf hays. In the wild, a donkey feeds on a variety of vegetation, from bark and shrubs to berries and grass. During the cooler months of the winter when the grass isn’t growing, hay may need to be fed in addition to grazing. Feeding the wrong diet to your donkey can have devastating consequences to your donkey's … You can check with a local environmental conservation service, or agricultural extension office to inquire about testing. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Will look further. Blood tests may confirm poisoning. They can cause colic or founder. We hope you enjoy looking. Early treatment is critical. Classic clinical signs are dark, congested mucous membranes, and frequently drinking small amounts of water or submerging the whole muzzle in water and “water playing.” Other progressive signs include colic, depression, anorexia, ulceration of oral mucosa, diarrhea, polyuria (excessive diluted urination) leading to dysuria (difficulty urinating), sweating, delayed capillary refill time, tachycardia (abnormally rapid heart rate), tachypnea (abnormally rapid breathing), muscle rigidity, collapse, dehydration, and synchronous diaphragmatic flutter. Donkeys are highly adaptable feeders that if given the opportunity will consume a variety of different grasses and shrubs to obtain sufficient nutrients. Although they don't get it every day. Common varieties that suit donkeys include Meadow Hay and Seed Hay such as Timothy, Bermuda, Orchard, Brome and Bluegrass. See a more detailed explanation here. Sometimes, a possum may get into a food storage area and leave waste behind on hay that donkeys will eventually eat. Donkeys don’t generally need to eat grass alongside hay/haylage for a large part of the year when nutrients are fairly high in growing grass. Like other herbivores, the donkey has evolved to spend most of the day eating so that they can consume sufficient low nutritional value forage to meet their requirements. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. For low sugar hay options however, you can look for any warm season grass hay. Having the soil tested at your sanctuary is an easy way to learn if the environment is safe for residents. Providing an adequate amount of water is also a key to maintaining your pet’s health. It does not, however, have to be rich in nutrients as a donkey’s digestive system can make use of it either way. HAY. Even if you have never used any products containing lead, it may still be present in old barn or fence paint, or in the soil. However, ionophores are. He can eat free choice hay as long as it is grass hay, but no alfalfa, or broad leaf hays. toxic to equines. Be sure food areas are secure from curious residents that may try to sneak in for a midday snack! The good feed we are on, if not combined with exercise, results in overeating and over weight. We feed a grain mix to our average sized mules of 1-2 cups of crimped oats, 1oz. 2,354. While rats and mice can pose challenges for sanctuaries, it is important to respect them and use, . Ingesting feed contaminated with this protozoan may potentially put a donkey at risk of contracting EPM. But, on average, she says, teff can be grown so it’s lower in simple sugars and starch than other grasses. Grass hay is the number one feed choice for donkeys. That being said, if severe cases, you may see the following symptoms: Consult a veterinarian immediately if you suspect your donkey has ingested lead or is beginning to show symptoms of lead poisoning. Check out our Compassionate Wildlife Practices At Your Animal Sanctuary for some tips on how to dissuade snakes from your property. Replies. While you may think horses and donkeys are alike, there are some important differences. Some people worry that feeding straw can lead to colic, although there are numerous causes. Donkeys that have been previously fed an alfalfa diet, will reluctantly eat grass hay at first. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Please note that, while comprehensive, this list may not contain every single plant toxic to donkeys! Grows only on moist, heavy soils in cooler regions Highly palatable to stock but is uncompetitive with other plants, so needs light grazing. Place enough straw in the feeder so that they can browse through it. This category contains pages about the different types of donkeys that can be found in Hay Day. In Australia, Rhodes is a common grass for equines, with 9-15% protein and an average of 10 MJ/kg DE. As hay continues to be in short supply in many areas, some will see the availability of Sudan hay as a solution. The Dancing Donkey July 8, 2017 at 3:16 PM. First-cutting hay is less likely to be contaminated than hay harvested later in the year, as the insects likely haven’t yet swarmed by then. Be sure you check hay for waste and dispose of any contaminated hay. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. | Of Horse, Animal Friendly Barn And Fence Paint For Horse Stalls | Stuff For Petz, Plants Toxic To Horses | PennState Extension (Non-Compassionate Source), Don’t Give Cattle Feed To Horses! Feed your donkey hay or haylage two to three times a day. While this list isn’t exhaustive, it can certainly help you keep resident donkeys safe, healthy, and happy! They eat, drink, and sleep — and get ready for the next meal (just like most Americans these days). Hay nets are not recommended as it is better for donkeys to eat from the floor and empty hay nets can be a hazard. In the winter and other colder months, donkeys should eat hay or haylage. If it is necessary to supplement a donkey’s feed, as with older donkeys, sick donkeys or donkeys with tooth problems, always choose a low protein mix (6-10%) without oats (generally known as a cool feed mix) as oats are very warming and can also lead to laminitis. It’s great to give donkeys access to a wide range of plants and herbs in addition to their main diet. Many donkeys will do best when fed their hay in several small meals a day or limit hay if they have access to grazing. The erect stems can grow 10 to 35 inches tall. Donkeys that ingested a smaller amount may recover but the toxin may cause permanent cardiac damage. It can be a challenge to ensure donkey residents have healthy, happy lives after coming to a sanctuary, and there are many different aspects of care to consider each day. If you have any questions or requests for us, we're always here for you. Given time they will learn to enjoy the grass hay. If possible, position the feeder so that the donkey’s feet are not on the bedding while they are eating, so they have a chance to dry out. For this reason, it is imperative that they do not come into contact with these poisons. Venomous snakebites are not common, but when they occur, should be treated seriously and immediately. If feeding very rich Bermuda grass hay, you may need to soak it in cold water for half an hour before presenting it. It is a planted crop of specific grasses, such as rye or timothy, which the farmer makes from the … This could be especially important if you have a donkey that shows initial signs of mycotoxin exposure. Hardware Disease refers to the injuries that can result from any animal resident eating something they shouldn’t, especially pieces of human-made hardware like nails, screws, and staples. for some tips on how to dissuade snakes from your property. If you suspect a donkeys may have ingested any of the poisons above. A mule’s or donkey’s pulse may throb and can be felt on either side of the fetlock. Ideally horses and donkeys need 1.5-2.0% of their body weight in roughage daily. Sometimes, a possum may get into a food storage area and leave waste behind on hay that donkeys will eventually eat. Unfortunately, toxic and poisonous hazards are sometimes overlooked in the hustle and bustle of operating a sanctuary. In a nutshell, if your horse(s) have been on Bermuda hay for more than a few weeks and has never experienced any type of impaction colic, you should at least feel that your horse can probably handle Bermuda hay barring an unforeseen issue. Dispose of any contaminated flakes, even if you have removed the beetle, as the toxin can still be left behind. The seed heads are produced in a cluster of 3-7 spikes (rarely 2) together at the top of the stem, each spike 2 inches long. Donkeys with low levels of lead toxicity do not generally exhibit signs. You can check with a local environmental conservation service, or, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases (poor immune function), Be sure to keep food, grain, and hay storage areas clean, dry, and cool, and other wildlife, as they can chew holes in food bags, increasing the likelihood of grain being exposed to damp conditions, Always feed the oldest bags of food first. A veterinary emergency environmental conservation service, or 1,670 diamonds hay, bark and shrubs berries! Paints and stains that are harmful to many animals get into a food storage rooms to prevent cross-contamination may... 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