Research on school health promotion would gain to be more closely anchored in school management and educational practices research at the global level. Criterion 2 Promoting a healthy school encourages and promotes self-esteem and self-confidence by providing For Permissions, please email:, Psychological impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the university students in Egypt, Role of technical assistance in U.S. labor and health sector collaboration to address precarious work, Critical health literacy in pandemics: the special case of COVID-19, Work-life (im)balance? These results truly encourage the inclusion of students, regardless of their age, in all kinds of health promoting activities. Following a detailed description of an intervention, as in this article, the reader, whether being professional in the school, or researcher in the field, gets a possibility to follow the steps and possibly avoid the pitfalls in planning phase. The Schools for Health in Europe network (SHE network, was initiated by the World Health Organization for the European region (WHO EURO) in 1992, together with the Council of Europe and the European Commission. The age groups of students range from 3 to 20 years old. Also in the United States and Canada the ‘Comprehensive School Health Program’ and more recently the ‘Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child’ model are used more frequently. Some countries have a formal national health promoting school policy while others don’t. In the SHE network a health promoting school is defined as ‘a school that implements a structured and systematic plan for the health, well-being and the development of social capital of all pupils and of teaching and non-teaching staff’ (SHE, 2014). McNamara et colleagues emphasize that ‘if we are serious about providing opportunities to support children’s physical and mental health at school, then we cannot leave this responsibility to change’. The results suggest that studying in a school that is a member of the regional SHE network may have some positive effect on students’ health behaviours, whereas the school’s engagement with health activities was clearly demonstrated favouring the SHE network schools. Langford … The amount of leisure of Wroclaw adults in the context of health promotion, Associations between health-related skills and young adults’ work ability within a structural health literacy model, THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF HPS IN THE EUROPEAN REGION, DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES TOWARDS HEALTH PROMOTING SCHOOLS, (last accessed 24 January 2017,, ce-Action_ENG.pdf,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. Expected achievements in health promotion and prevention programmes are multi-level and complex, often manifesting on a long-term basis, and encompassing quite complex interactions between people and their life ecosystems. It also stresses that families and the community should be involved (see Sormunen et al., 2013). Importantly, the school managers expressed that having a school-health policy was vital to the success of their health promotion work and brought out the need of collaboration with school staff in all developmental intentions. Some countries have a long history in implementing health promoting schools while other countries just recently initiated a national health promoting school programme and joined the SHE network. The results showed that the focus is on individual behaviour and schools as intervention settings rather than a site for creating change implementing health promotion from the critical health education viewpoint. Moreover, the health promotion activities implemented at schools were also examined. Examples of actions that a school can take 6 Accountability 7 Enquiries 8 2 . Until then, the more traditional approach to health education in schools was, and often still is, focused on gaining knowledge about diseases and healthy behaviour based on a narrow concept of health. Evidence exists to document the beneficial effects of a health promotion policy in schools, but it is also clear that effectiveness is not always attained. Their focus was to find out how health promotion is practiced in three schools that have agreed to implement the health promoting school (HPS) concept, appointed by regional service providers (e.g. It is not ‘promotion’ as in the sense of the word usually understood. In the existing literature, tools and frameworks developed for programme evaluation are often grounded in a linear programme fidelity perspective. A whole school approach to health promotion was not implemented systematically into schools’ policies. The goal of WHO's Global School Health Initiative is to increase the number of schools that can truly be called "Health-Promoting Schools". Criterion 1 Promoting a healthy school involves the provision of a safe, secure and stimulating environment that encourages and supports pupils, staff and members of the whole school community, both in and out of school. Currently child health policies in this region focus on prevention of childhood killer diseases whereas there is a lack of child mental health services. The perspective is intersectoral since the core business of schools is focused on educational outcomes, rather than the reduction of health problems. Capacity-building activities for teachers and other staff, and parental involvement were also important. It is important that schools promote healthy eating habits through programs and guidelines 1. The girls revealed greater gains in social awareness and greater reductions of the levels of social isolation and social anxiety when compared with boys. The positive effects were stably effective in the second cohort, except for social anxiety. The authors of a Cochrane review called ‘Interventions for preventing obesity in children’ (Waters et al., 2011) considered the following promising leads for effective interventions in schools: interventions targeting school curricula, physical activity sessions throughout the school week and healthy food supply in schools. Creating conditions that are conducive to health (through policies, services, physical/social conditions). The health promoting school approach has been adapted in many European countries, Australia and New Zealand. Coelho and colleagues investigated in controlled pre-post design the efficacy of a social-emotional learning (SEL) program on social-emotional competencies of Portuguese middle school students’ characteristics in two distinct cohorts. These are: developing and maintaining a democratic and participatory school community; developing partnerships between the policy makers of the education and health sectors; ensuring students and parents feel they have some sense of ownership in the life of the school; implementing a diversity of learning and teaching strategies; providing adequate time for class-based activities, organisation and coordination, and out of class activities; exploring health issues within the context of the students’ lives and community; utilising strategies that adopt a whole school approach rather than primarily a classroom learning approach; providing ongoing capacity-building opportunities for teachers and associated staff; creating an excellent social environment which fosters open and honest relationships within the school community; ensuring a consistency of approach across the school and between the school, home and wider community; developing both a sense of direction in the goals of the school and clear and unambiguous leadership and administrative support; providing resources that complement the fundamental role of the teacher and which are of a sound theoretical and accurate factual base; creating a climate where there are high expectations of students in their social interactions and educational attainments. The political organisation, priorities, degree of decentralisation, organisation and goals of education systems differ from one country to another. Schools include health and wellbeing in their planning and review processes, teaching strategies, curriculum and assessment activities. The nurse should talk with the client first to determine what risk factors the client might have before initiating the appropriate health promotion and disease prevention measures. In each member country the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education appointed a SHE national coordinator who is responsible for the national health promoting school programme (if one such existed). Now that your school has decided to start the Health Promoting Schools journey, you're probably wondering what you should expect and what will be expected of your school. The system thinking theme continues in a study from Tooher and colleagues in Australia from the point of view of integration and collaboration in various school-based health programmes and the barriers and enablers to successful intersectoral collaboration between education. Change to service delivery from 1st January 2020. Children and adolescents need to be encouraged for physical activity, either supervised, or non-supervised, since nowadays many factors are competing for their time. . Conversely, however, implementation is argued as being a complex process, which defies such linear one-dimensional thinking. Also, it is difficult to distinguish which of the intervention components contributed most to the beneficial effects observed (Waters et al., 2011). This study showed the strong links between health behaviors and academic achievements among adolescents and emphasizes that schools and health promoters should be educated more on these relations, so that they are aware of this common interest to get more support for health promoting interventions. Each advocacy document makes a strong case for addressing an important health problem, identifies components of a comprehensive school health programme, and provides guidance in integrating the issue into the components. Health-Promoting School, health is created by students, teachers, parents, and other community members who are: • Caring for themselves and others • Making decisions about and taking control of conditions and circumstances that affect health • Creating … He reflects on the application of systems concepts to frame how health promoting school processes and outcomes can be operationalised. It uses a more open concept of health, in which children and young people should be involved in defining their own health. However, the authors conclude that the implementation was resource and labour intensive and relatively expensive. Furthermore, it emerged that depending on the aims of the school-based health programme, a different level of collaboration was needed varying from schools as a site to delivery of clinical service to programmes which sought to change the behavior of students and/or schools as organisations. All school employees should also be aware that they are almost always being watched by students and other community members. Although mental health is a fundamental component of health, recognition of mental disorders and awareness about its importance is limited. (, Langford R., Bonell C.P., Jones H.E., Pouliou T., Murphy S.M., Waters E. et al. The SHE network has developed into an important platform for school health promotion in the European region. There is substantial congruence between three fields: the research and evaluation literature on school health; what constitutes successful learning and teaching in schools; what makes schools effective in achieving educational, health and social outcomes. From an educational point of view, the school’s contribution to health includes a reference to citizenship and healthy living with a dual purpose: a) to create conditions for pupils’ achievement (such as school environment, school climate, nutrition services, policy and planning, staff competencies, access to social and health services, partnerships) and b) acquiring health competencies for empowerment for healthy decision making (Jourdan, 2011). The whole school approach used in the SHE network rests on five core values (equity, sustainability, inclusion, empowerment and action competence, democracy) and five pillars (whole school approach to health, participation, school quality, evidence base, involvement of schools and communities). Published by Oxford University Press. We publish a series of guidance on school attendance. Therefore, there is a need to shift from the over focus on ‘one size fits all’ evidence-based fidelity, to a more flexible perspective of anchoring and tailoring interventions to the different contexts. Correa-Burrows and colleagues studied the association between the engagement in regular physical activity and the academic performance of school-age children. A collaborative work coordinated by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (St Leger et al., 2008) summarises what has been shown to work well and are prominent features of effective schools. The alliance includes Education International, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Education Development Center, UNESCO, UNAIDS and GIZ. Depending on individual countries, health is not taken into account in educational policies in the same way. The SHE network has demonstrated progress on a European and an international level, emphasising the role of schools in improving the health of children and young people. Collaboration with other relevant policy areas, for example youth, social and environmental policies and sustainable development is essential. Influencing health-related behaviours: knowledge, beliefs, skills, attitudes, values, support. This study emphasizes the importance of continuing, persistent reinforcing of a health promoting way of thinking and daily actions while educational demands of hectic school life are increasing. social climate), and improved interactions and social relationships in school among peers and between students and adults. These six areas are: school health policies, the school physical environment, the school social environment, community relationships, personal health skills and health services. The health promoting school (HPS) approach was developed and introduced during the 1980s. CORRECT (P. 86): C. The first action the nurse should take using the nursing process is assessment. History. A study by Adamovitsch and colleagues continues exploring the implementation practices in school health promotion in Austria. Nowadays, the political context is favourable since there is an increasing awareness of the close relationship between health, physical and cognitive development, school participation and educational achievement which led to a whole of government and intersectoral policies. However, they found no evidence of effectiveness on fat intake, alcohol and drug use, mental health, violence, and bullying others (Langford et al., 2014). For example, WHO’s work, led by Suhrcke and Paz Nieves (2011), showed the negative influence of ill-health (obesity, sleep problems, anxiety and depression) and potentially harmful health behaviours (alcohol consumption, cannabis and tobacco) on academic performance of children and adolescents. Your actions can always be scrutinized. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Especially the children’s responsibility, innovativeness, and sense of achievements were respected, and together with adults, they formed a collaborative team. WHO's Global School Health Initiative, launched in 1995, seeks to mobilize and strengthen health promotion and education activities at the local, national, regional and global levels. They emphasize the need to use innovative methods in studying complex and dynamic settings to understand components of the school environment to ensure the implementation of the HPS approach. This is surprising because, in theory, mental health is accepted as an essential component of health (WHO, 2001), the close relationship between physical and mental health is recognized (WFMH, 2004) and it is generally known that physical and mental health share many of the same social, environmental and economic determina… Researchers are organized in the SHE research group with over 85 researchers from 25 countries, each with an interest and commitment in research in school health promotion. It is an advocacy document for the health and education sectors to undertake school health promotion activities based on the evidence of effectiveness. In their systematic review, the focus was to explore the students’ participation in designing, planning, implementing and/or evaluating school-based health promotion measures, defined as a project, programme, intervention, or other kinds of initiative. For example, classroom sun protection lessons are reinforced and complemented by adequate provision of shade throughout the school and a school sun protection policy that informs parents and encourages … A systematic review of studies on the effectiveness of school health promotion efforts, further concluded that programmes that account for contextual factors and emphasize multidimensional approaches are more likely to be effective in terms of health outcomes (Stewart-Brown, 2006). Central in this programme was the component of training and using student peers to make an everyday impact on other students. The evidence base related to the contribution of the school setting to the improvement of children’s health and well-being is strong. School managers, persons who have the main administrative responsibility for the schools in their district, are a relatively rarely studied group related to school health promotion; though they have a great influence on priority areas performed at schools. health-promoting schools – A framework for action in 1996, and updated these ... Action competencies for healthy living 6. The general direction of WHO's Global School Health Initiative is guided by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986); the Jakarta Declaration of the Fourth International Conference on Health Promotion(1997); and the WHO's Expert Committee Recommendation on Comprehensive School Health Education and Promotion (1995). In 2013, a survey was conducted among the national coordinators of the SHE network in Europe to gain an overview of current health promoting school policies. This document complements the recommendations to establish and sustain health promotion in schools set out in the Guidelines to Promote Health in Schools document. The results indicated that the intervention improved the social and emotional competencies of middle school students, supporting the cross-cultural generalization of social–emotional learning programs’ efficacy. Schools, being part of their surrounding community, are designated as one of the settings to help reduce inequalities in health. Rosas concludes that the complex modern school environments and re-conceptualization of health promoting school concept would benefit from system thinking and complexity characteristics and system science approach. In addition to these weaknesses in the assessment of the effectiveness of health promotion programmes in schools, the issues of scaling up and transferability remain rarely examined. A global alliance has been formed to enable teachers' representative organizations, worldwide, to improve health through schools. . Building capacities for peace, shelter, education, food, income, a stable ecosystem, equity, social justice, sustainable development. A health promoting school (HPS) is a school that constantly seeks to strengthen its capacity to promote healthy living, learning and working conditions. They highlight the current research from social neuroscience, belonging and social connectedness in order to present the pathways between daily school recess and health trajectories. It includes provisions and activities relating to health promoting school policies, the school’s physical and social environment, the curriculum, family and community links and health services at the school (SHE, 2014). They have expressed their commitment to the further development, expansion and/or improvement of their national health promoting school programmes (SHE, 2013; Buijis et al., 2014). The members of the Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) network use a positive concept of health and well-being and acknowledge the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Volunteers are expected to be honest and act with integrity physical environment included. Of HPI demonstrates the diversity in health promoting school approach with schools that we not of research on as... The positive effects were stably effective in the European region one part of their community... Study by Adamovitsch and colleagues studied the association between the engagement in regular activity! And included many activities, and more with flashcards, games, and proved to feasible... Grounded in a school can take 6 Accountability 7 Enquiries 8 2 oneself and.... 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