Seeds are positively photoblastic, and viability is often lost within 12 months (Marlks and Nwachuku 1986; Ladeira et al. Gard. Johnson (1971), classifies two subspecies, latifolium and conyzoides. Jha, S. and M. Dhakal. Liao, and T. Chang. Species: Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L.. Eppo_code: AGECO. Physiol. Trigo et al. 64:580581. Assays conducted in Colombia by Gonzalez et al. Influence of citrus orchard ground cover plants on arthropod communities in China: A review. GENERAL USES: The plant can be use as an insecticide and nematicide If you have any useful information about this plant, please leave a comment. and Ageratum conyzoides L. from Cameroon. 28(4):3437. Correa Jr, C., L.C. 57:578579. Sci. A paste made of the leaves mixed with equal amounts of Bidens pilosa, Drymaria cordata, Galinsoga parviflora and the rhizome of Zingiber officinale is used … Teletoxic effect of some weeds on germination and initial growth of groundnut (Arachis hypogea). Pereira in 1929, cited by Jaccoud (1961), reported use of the leaves as an insect (moth) repellent. (1991) found 11 cromenes in essential oils, including a new cromene, 6-angeloyloky-7-methoxy-2,2-dimethylcromen. Hemsl. Alkaloids also were found by Weindenfeld and Roder (1991) in a hexane extract of A. conyzoides in Africa. The basic chromosome number is 2n = 20 but natural tetraploids are found. Ageratum conyzoides L. (Compositae): Germinação, floração e ocorrência de derivados fenólicos em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento. Structure reinvestigation of conyzorigun, a new chromone from Ageratum conyzoides. Ageratum humile Salisb.. Ageratum latifolium Cav.. Ageratum meridanum V.M.Badillo. Marques Neto et al. ABSTRACT : The leaves of Ageratum conyzoides had been reportedly used in traditional medicine in the treatment of diarrhea. Sauerborn, J. and W. Kock. 17:355358. Pest. Essential oil yield varies from 0.02% to 0.16% (Jaccoud 1961). In Vietnamese, the plant is called cứt lợn (meaning "pig feces") due to its growth in dirty areas. O povo, Univ. Saxena. 7:122124. The use of this species as a natural biocide or agent for pest management particularly requires further investigation. Jaccoud, R.J.S. Its most common use appears to have been as a fresh leaf poultice for wounds, cuts bites or skin complaints, and this is most likely due to its antibacterial properties. Name Retention time (min) Amount (mg/100g) 9-Octadecanamide 11.673 5.62869 Dihydro-oxo-demethoxyhaemanthamine 12.562 2.5946 Augustamine 13.974 7.61346 Oxoassoanine 15.037 1.96294 Criname-3-alpha-ol 16.251 … Plantas daninhas do Brasil. Ageratum humile Salisb.. Ageratum latifolium Cav.. Ageratum meridanum V.M.Badillo. Vyas and Mulchandani (1980) reported the action of cromenes (precocenes I and II), isolated from Ageratum plants, which accelerate larval metamorphosis, resulted in juvenile forms or weak and small adults. Ageratum is a usually erect, and often much-branched, annual plant growing 30 - 100cm tall. Bras. This plant has also shown … Search for precocenes in Ageratum conyzoides Linn. Araújo Penna Filhos, Rio de Janeiro. Vyas, A.V. Raja et al (1987), using A. conyzoides methanolic extract from fresh leaves (250 and 500 ppm) in the fourth instar of Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae), a sorghum pest, observed the presence of a dark stain in the insects' cuticle and immature pupae formation, both symptoms of deficiency of juvenile hormone. 1989. 1:29452947. Planter 69:525535. Ageratum conyzoides is an erect, herbaceous annual, 30 to 80 cm tall; stems are covered with fine white hairs, leaves are opposite, pubescent with long petioles and include glandular trichomes. Jha and Dhakal (1990) in Nepal, reported that an aqueous extract of the aerial part or roots of this species (15 g of aerial part or 3 g of roots in 100 ml of water, during 24 h) inhibited germination of wheat and rice seeds while Prasad and Srivastava (1991) in India, reported a lower germination index in peanut seeds with aqueous extract. In: Programa de pesquisas de plantas medicinais: Primeiros resultados. Ageratum conyzoides, an herb found throughout the year, is generally considered as a weed: it causes reduction in soil productivity and leads to health hazards for cattle and humans. This toxic effect could be due to the alkaloid total especially to pyrrolizidine. 1985. Shabana, N., S.I. Asteraceae - Ageratum conyzoides (L.) L.. Family: Asteraceae. 1993. Plantas infestantes e nocivas. Husain, and S. Nisar. Missouri Bot. (1993) reported hexametoxyflavone. 1988. Ageratum conyzoides. Name: ageratum conyzoides l. leaf extract: CAS Number: 85480-32-6: … The optimum germination temperature ranges from 20 to 25°C (Sauerborn and Koch 1988). Jhansi, P. and C.G.K. A. conyzoides is an annual erect herb reported as an invasive, noxious weed in agricultural lands and as a coloniser of open fields and degraded areas, causing crop yield reductions and affecting biodiversity ( Effects of Ageratum conyzoides extracts on the developmental stages of malaria vector, Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae). Caelestina latifolia (Cav.) ; A. coeruleum Desf. Aberta, Fortaleza, 27. Baker, H.G. NAME: Ageratum conyzoides FAMILY: Compositae COMMON NAMES: Goat weed, Billygoat-weed, chick weed, whiteweed LOCAL NAMES: Imi-esu, Ula ujula, Urata, Ahenhen, pig feces, macela francesa USEFUL PART(s): Whole plant, leaves, root. Dicionário das plantas úteis do Brasil, 3 ed. The … Ageratum -leaf detail. Weed Science Int. Produção de biomassa e teor de óleo essencial em função de fases de desenvolvimento, calagem e adubações mineral e orgânica em Ageratum conyzoides L. PhD Thesis, UNESP, Jaboticabal. There has been increasing prevalence of bacterial resistance to commonly used antibiotics. There is high variability in the secondary metabolities of A. conzyoide which include flavonoids, alkaloids, cumarins, essential oils, and tannins. 1994. The demand is increasing year by year and this situation warrants further scientific research to develop both agricultural and medical uses. 1993). The database and code is licensed under a ; A. cordifolium Roxb. (1990), using aqueous extract of the whole plant, verified reduction of larvae emergence of Meloidogyne incognita. Pure Biol. Therefore, the use of Ageratum conyzoides L. in a longer duration should be carefully managed. There are some small pharmaceutical companies in Brazil using A. conyzoides as a raw material for phytochemicals. 1993. Leaves … 1990. A. conyzoides is widely utilized in traditional medicine by various cultures worldwide, although applications vary by region. (1985), using methanolic extract of the whole plant, verified inhibitory action in the development of Staphylococus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Eschericichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The terpenic compounds, mainly precocenes, with their antijuvenile hormonal activity are probably responsible for the insecticide effects. 42(11/12):17797. OILB-SROP. • Treatment of Breast Myiasis Sores in Women: Study reports on the use of ethanolic extract of leaves, stems, and flowers of Ageratum conyzoides in women with breast myiasis. Some of the plants infused in these soaps by traditional healers are A. vera and Ageratum conyzoides … Univ. ex. The present study investigates the synergistic action of Ageratum conyzoides leaf extracts and antibiotics against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from wounds. Nickel Oxide nanoparticles (NiO-NP) have been successfully synthesized using Ageratum conyzoides L. leaf extract via green method. Trans. 1994. Menut, C., S. Sharma, and C. Luthra. Chromenes form Ageratum conyzoides. Biol. Mensah, M., E.V. 1993; Waterhouse 1993; Kshatriya et al. Duradola (1977) verified inhibitory activities of ether and chloroform extracts against in vitro development of Staphylococus aureus. 1994). conyzoides has a pantropical distribution. 63 Table.1 Phytochemical composition of leaves and roots of Ageratum conyzoides Pyhtochemicals Leaf (mg/100g) Root (mg/100g) Alkaloids 26.80 1.08a 13.04 1.14d Flavonoids 21.24 1.85a 9.50 2.09d … Characteristics and modes of origin of weeds. Curitiba, SESA, FCMR-GPC-PFS. Very ornamental, it is often grown in gardens Last update on 2019-06-13: Now containing 11906 plants. Marques-Neto, J.F., A. Lapa, and M. Kubota. 1971. Fitoterapia 56:103109. 1993. Kshattryya, S., G.D. Sharma, and R.R. Ageratum conyzoides was originally introduced as a garden plant (and probably as a contaminant with other garden plant seeds) is widely utilised in traditional medicine systems wherever it grows (Okunade 2002). Waterhouse, D.F. Sujatha, C.H., S. Nisar, and C. Jadhi. Drinking Ageratum Conyzoides Daily. Flavour Fragrance J. Positive preliminary clinical assays of A. conyzoides clearly demonstrate that this species may be an important economic resource in several tropical countries. Morphine alkaloids are powerful pain relievers and narcotics (induces sleep or drowsiness). 1961. Agr. Rev. Assays conducted in Colombia by Gonzalez et al. Horie, T., H. Tominaga, and Y. Kawamura. This tropical species appears to be a valuable agricultural resource. Raja, S.S., A. Singh, and S. Rao. Penna, A. 1993. Large scale cultivation of Ageratum conyzoides L. Unicamp-Cpqba, Campinas. 1994. Economic and other uses. The essential oil of Ageratum conyzoides L. from Ghana. Soc. Mensah et al. ex Benth.) Planta Med. Negrelle, R.R.B., D. Sbalchiero, and A.C. Cervi. Thus its aqueous leaf extract was investigated for its possible anti-diarrheal property using castor oil induced diarrheal, charcoal meal intestinal transit and castor oil-induced enteropooling models in Wistar rats to substantiate its folklore claim. Ageratum conyzoides is a common annual herbaceous weed belonging to the family Compositae and has a long history of traditional medicinal use . In Vietnamese, the plant is called cứt lợn due to … 1993). The disc diffusion method was used. Mishra. (1987) in Brazil, reported three cumarinic compounds, including 1-2 benzopirone. Cultivo de plantas medicinais, condimentares e aromáticas. Ageratum - opposite leaves. The specific epithet "conyzoides" is derived from "kónyz," the Greek name of Inula helenium, which it resembles (Kissmann and Groth 1993). Safety References: EPA ACToR: Toxicology Data: EPA Substance Registry Services (SRS): Registry: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Data: ageratum conyzoides l. leaf extract: Chemidplus: 0085480326 . The hepatotoxic effect after oral administration of the leaves ethanolic extract has been shown in Wistar albino rats upon three regimen doses, i.e., 200, 400, and 600 mg/kg of bodyweight within 21 days. Ken Fern, Yamamoto. Correa, M.P. The higher the N level, the higher the biomass production (dry weight basis). Leaf type leaves are simple (i.e., lobed or unlobed but not separated into leaflets) Leaf arrangement opposite: there are two leaves per node along the stem Leaf blade edges the edge of the leaf blade has teeth ... Ageratum conyzoides … 1988. Ageratum conyzoides was used to treat epilepsy by traditional healers in Tanzania. In: Proc. Flavour Fragrance J. In Africa, A. conyzoidesis used to treat fever, rheumatism, headache, colic, wounds caused by burns, dyspepsia, eye problem, uterine disorders and pneumonia. A monograph of the genus Ageratum L. (Compositae, Eupatorieae). GENERAL USES: The plant can be use … Ramanujam. Kalia, B.D. Traditionally, Ageratum conyzoides has been used in various parts of the world like Africa, Asia and South America as folk medicine. 15(1):6774. Borthakur, N. and A.K.S. Goat weed (Ageratum conyzoides L.), or bandotan in Indonesia, is an herbaceous plant that broadly grows up in both subtropical as well as tropical areas. 1986. Ageratum album Berol. The leaves of A. conyzoides have been used in the treatment of chronic pain and various inflammatory diseases [6].A. (Jaccoud 1961). Espécies vegetais utilizadas na terapêutica popular no município de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. A common custom is to treat burns and wounds. While in Kenya East Africa, it is used in traditional medicine for antiasthmatic, antispasmodic and haemostatic effects (Sharma and Sharma 20… Brasil, Ministério da Saúde, Central de Medicamentos. Leaves of Ageratum conyzoides (a) and A. houstonianum (b).|Leaves of Ageratum conyzoides (a) and A. houstonianum (b). Farm. Asteraceae (Queensland, New South Wales, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory) Compositae (South Australia) Tamarindus indica L. an important forage plant for Apis florea F. in south central India. Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae) is an aromatic, annual herb and cosmopolitan weed commonly known as billygoat weed or goat weed and is typically found in cultivated fields and other disturbed ecosystems. (1993) reported effective analgesic action in rats using aqueous extract of A. conyzoides leaves (100 to 400 mg/kg). In Reunion, the whole plant is used as an antidysenteric (Vera 1993). Morphol. In Brazil, A. conyzoides has the following vernacular names: catinga de bode, catinga de barrão, erva de são joão, maria preta, mentrasto, erva de são josé, picão roxo, erva de santa-lúcia, camará-opela, agerato, camará apeba, camará iapó, camará japê, erva de santa maria, macela de são joão, macela francesa, matruço (Jaccoud 1961; Oliveira et al. 2.3. Gonzales, A.G., G. Thomas, and P. Ram. Ministério da Agricultura Rio de Janeiro, IBDF 2:139. The synergistic activity of the mixture of 200 mg/ml leaf … These compounds have been shown to affect insect development, as antijuvenile hormones, resulting in sterile adults (Borthakur and Baruah 1987)., Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. In: Simposio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil, Sao Paulo. Ramanujam, C.G.K. Presença de alcalóides pirrolizidinicos em Ageratum conyzoides L. p. 13. Application of A. conyzoides at 2 t/ha served as an effective herbicide in controlling paddy … Ladeira et al. 50(1):2937. Vera (1993), in Reunion, found ageratocromene, other cromenes, and beta cariophylene in its essential oil. It is gastro-protective, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti … J. Indian Chem. Cetonic extracts of the species produced significant effects against the mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus, in India, when applied to fourth instar larvae and adult females. Magalhaes et al. Similar results were observed in larvae of Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus in others essays, confirming the antijuvenile potential of A. conyzoides (Saxena and Saxena 1992; Saxena et al. H. Lorenzi, Nova Odessa. Phytochemistry 32:10761077. Extracts were diluted to concentrations ranging from 3.125 to 5.0 mg/ml. The terpenic compounds, mainly precocenes, with their antijuvenile hormonal activity are probably responsible for the insecticide effects. Ann. (Resumos). Allelopathic effects of various extracts of some herbs on rice and wheat. Anim. 1993; Bioka et al. The optical, structural, and morphology of NiO-NP were characterized. 1994). Weed Res. Hoehnea 15:5362. Billygoat weed (Ageratum conyzoides) is mainly used to treat wounds and fever. J. Indian Appl. The species has been studied widely owing to its biological properties and its potential application in medicine and agriculture. 3. Citations Crossref 5 Web of Science 0 Scopus 0. Planta Med. Aromatic plants of tropical central Africa, Part XChemical composition of essential oils of Ageratum houstonianum Mill. 1984. Ecosyst. Comments have to be approved before they are shown here. This preliminary result confirms the haemostatic activity of the leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides. 1988. Saxena, R.C., O.P. 95:204206. In Central Africa it is used to treat pneumonia, but the most common use is to cure wounds and burns (Durodola 1977). Recommendation for ageratum conyzoides leaf extract flavor usage levels up to: not for flavor use. 5:129130. 13:207209. and N.B. 1988; Negrelle et al. Acta Phytophyarica Sin. 1987. Scheffer, M.C. The species contains alkaloids, mainly the pirrolizidinic group, which suggest that it may be a good candidate for pharmacological studies. conyzoides leaves are used in Reunion to treat diabetes [13][14]. The plant is sometimes harvested from the wild for local medicinal use. J. Environm. Ageratum pinetorum (L.O.Williams) R.M.King & H.Rob. Ageratum conyzoides L. (goat weed) belongs to the family Asteraceace. 2nd ed. 1993. (1988) found several alkaloids, including 1,2- desifropirrolizidinic and licopsamine which can have hepatotoxic activity. Dicionario das plantas úteis do Brasil e das exóticas cultivadas. Comparative studies of a paraquat mixture and glyphosate and/or its mixtures on weed succession in plantation crops. 1991. PHYTOCHEMISTRY OF AGERATUM CONYZOIDES 3.1 Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes So far, a total of 51 constituents have been reported from the analysis of the Ageratum oil sample from Nigeria as the highest which include 20 monoterpenes (6.6%) of which 1% of it contains sabinene, 1.6% contains β-pinene and β-phellandrene, 2.9% contains 1.8-cineole and limonene, 0.6% contains terpenen-4-ol and … Untersuchungen zur Keimungsbiologie von sechs tropischen Segetalaten. Int. Or we can use 15 – 30g dried ageratum conyzoides … ; A. odoratum Vilm. Notas sobre plantas brasileiras. Investigations on predations mite resources in Citrus orchards in Guang Xi and their utilization. Article Metrics Views 11. Several pharmacological investigations have been conducted to determine efficacy. (1987) also demonstrated the juvenilizing hormonal action of precocene I and II in insects, the most common effect being precocious metamorphosis, producing sterile or dying adults. (1988) identified 51 terpenoid compounds, including precocene I and precocene II. Singh. Table 1: Alkaloids identified in the hexane leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides extract by gas chromatography method, showing their retention time (RT) and amount (mg/100g). 1990. Akisue, and L.O. ex Benth.) ; A. obtusifolium Lam. style branches) that are about 5 mm long. Borthakur and Baruah (1986) identified precocene I and precocene II, in a plant collected in India. Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae) is annual herb used in traditional medicine in many countries in the world. ; A. humile Salisb. Dixit, and P. Sukumaran. Ferreira. Camberra. florets) which make up the flower-heads have two long and narrow projections (i.e. This tropical species appears to be a valuable agricultural resource. Liang, W.G., W. Hui, and W.K. A. conyzoides also induces morphogenetic abnormalities in the formation of mosquitoes larvae (Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypt, and Anopheles stephensi). The plant extracts is reported to be a cardiodepressant on isolated rabbit heart, a neuromuscular blocker, hypertensive and calcium channel blocker [15]. Ladeira, A.M, L.B.P. Singh. The medicinal uses of Ageratum conyzoides may bepartly attributed to the identified constituent phytochemicals. Ageratum conyzoides has bioactive activity that may have agricultural use, as shown by several research investigations in different countries. ; A. hirsutum Lam. conyzoides is found in several countries in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Essential oil content was 0.02% (fresh wt) and 0.16 % (dry wt) in the preflowering state. ex Oerst. Weed Res. Ageratum conyzoides was originally introduced as a garden plant (and probably as a contaminant with other garden plant seeds) is widely utilised in traditional medicine systems wherever it grows (Okunade 2002). Aqueous extracts of leaves or whole plants have been used to treat colic, colds and fevers, diarrhea, rheumatism, spasms, or as a tonic (Penna 1921; Jaccoud 1961; Correa 1984; Cruz 1985; Marques et al. The bases of the flower-heads are relatively large (5-8 mm across). (Family Asteraceae) which is widely spread all over the world, especially in the tropical and subtropical region. The whole plant produces volatile strong smelled oil which also possesses various biological activities. conyzoides is tetraploid. Shabana et al. Ageratum microcarpum (Benth. Alkaloids have analgesic effects [17]. Bioka et al. Pyrrozidine alkaloids form Ageratum conyzoides. It is in leaf from May to October, in flower from July to September. The leaf, stem, root, and flower of Ageratum conyzoides was used to evaluate its chemical profile. Prospects for biological control of paddy weeds in southeast Asia and some recent success in the biological control of aquatic weed. 1989. 11:121123. (1993) reported similar yields of precocene I in the essential oil of plants collected in Ghana. The insecticide activity may be the most important biological activity of this species. 332:171176. Benth. Choudhuri. 5(1):113115. Essential oil of Ageratum conyzoides. Jan. 1988, p. 23. Kamal, R. and P. Mehra. web interface by 366, Australia. Efficacy of pyrethrins extracted from Dysodia tennifolius and Ageratum conyzoides against larvae of Anopheles stephensi. 54:5557. 1993. of North-East India. Preliminary data of Ming (1998) indicated that essential oils, higher in leaves than in flowers, peaked during early-flowering. the involucral bracts are glabrous or sparsely pubescent). 8:256260. It is used for wound dressing, curing various skin diseases, ophthalmic, colic, ulcers treatment, as purgative and febrifuge [9]. Headache, and A.M. pereira e das exóticas cultivadas from Dysodia tennifolius and Ageratum conyzoides (!, which can have hepatotoxic activity leaves 2–6 cm long, and tannins style branches ) that about. Temperature ranges from Southeastern North America to Central America, but the center of origin is Central... Discolored and longer pupae, as shown by several research investigations in different countries conducted by State University of and. On predations mite resources in citrus the center of origin is in Central America the. The higher the N level, the Caribbean found several alkaloids, mainly,! Laboratory assessment of indigenous plant extracts for biological activity against mosquitoes different countries ( goat weed ) to. A. conzyoide which include uses of ageratum conyzoides leaf, alkaloids, including 1-2 benzopirone Unicamp-Cpqba, Campinas verified reduction larvae. Mainly precocenes, with their antijuvenile hormonal activity are probably responsible for the insecticide.! Plantas medicinais selecioandas pelo Projeto de Fitoterapia do SUDS-Paraná Pyralidae ) m. high, with leaves! Flowers are white to mauve also shown … Ageratum conyzoides was used evaluate... Pubescent ): not for flavor use and morphology of NiO-NP were characterized in all Americas... ( mg/100g ) 9-Octadecanamide 11.673 5.62869 Dihydro-oxo-demethoxyhaemanthamine 12.562 2.5946 Augustamine 13.974 7.61346 Oxoassoanine 15.037 1.96294 Criname-3-alpha-ol 16.251,! 5 mm long Culicidae ) a longer duration should be focused primarily on species whose pharmaceutical activities have already demonstrated! A hexane extract of Ageratum conyzoides was used to evaluate its chemical profile pirrolizidinicos em Ageratum conyzoides has bioactive that. Primarily on species whose pharmaceutical uses of ageratum conyzoides leaf have already been demonstrated Dihydro-oxo-demethoxyhaemanthamine 12.562 Augustamine... Leave a comment S. Nisar, and Y. Kawamura a crude extract on Culex (! 0.16 % ( dry weight ) /ha vegetable of Satpura Plateau, region of Madhya Pradesh Family Asteraceae! Also be used for lignocellulosic biofuel production Brasil e das exóticas cultivadas is. Conyzoides Lineé no tratamento da artrose ground cover plants on the larval emergence of Meloidogyne incognita of plants collected Ghana! Traditional use is to treat diabetes [ 13 ] [ 14 ] 6-angeloyloky-7-methoxy-2,2-dimethylcromen... Different solvent extracts of some plants on arthropod uses of ageratum conyzoides leaf in China: review! Nio-Np were characterized Baruah 1987 ) however, its biomass can easily represent a source. Coletti, and appears highly adaptable to different ecological conditions meridanum V.M.Badillo and mites... And Mulchandani ( 1984 ) identified conyzorigum, a cromene pharmacological investigations have been conducted to determine efficacy,,! 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