Let stand 5 … Break the plums in half wth your hands and gently remove the stones, then dot them into into the dish with apples. 20 min Prep Time. In a shal­low bak­ing dish, place the plum slices. For the plum clafoutis In a large bowl with a spatula or an electric mixer fitted with a paddle, cream the butter and the icing sugar until combined. The addition of ground almonds gives texture and flavour. French Mom. Traditional clafoutis is made with black cherries and Kirsch. During a Provence Gourmet cooking class, Gilles Conchy showed the group how to prepare a plum clafoutis a classic French dessert from the region. Plum Almond Clafoutis Clafoutis is a baked French dessert of fresh fruits, cov­ered with a flan-like-bat­ter. Repub­lish­ing posts in their entire­ty is pro­hib­it­ed. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; The email addresses you've entered will not be stored and will only be used to send this email. Plum Clafoutis, with Almonds. Check out my red grape clafoutis here. 40min This quick and easy clafoutis is a perfect way to use up plums when in season. Plum & Hazelnut Clafoutis. 1/2 cup caster sugar. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Author: Epicurus.com Kitchens. If you’ve never had one it’s a delicious french dessert. Thank you for vis­it­ing my blog! They can also be used in vegan recipes to add texture. Spray oil; 10 purple plums, halved and stoned; 4 tbsp Amaretto liqueur; 1 tbsp brown sugar; For the batter. Pour the bat­ter over the plums. (I per­son­al­ly like it best cold!). In a mix­ing bowl, mix the eggs, egg yolks, almond flour, all pur­pose flour, and sug­ar, until you have a smooth tex­ture. Butter a shallow 1-litre ovenproof dish and cover the base with the prepared plums. . A friend of mine men­tioned that her favorite French dessert was plum almond clafoutis, so I decid­ed to make one. 500g red flesh plums. 4 eggs. Sliced plums are placed in a buttered casserole dish. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; 1. However, the dessert can be prepared with many different types of fruit, except berries as they contain too much water. The almonds are ground in a food processor. Save Recipe. Syns: 4 syns all choices. A friend of mine men­tioned that her favorite French dessert was plum almond clafoutis, so I decid­ed to make one. Clafoutis is a baked French dessert of fresh fruits, cov­ered with a flan-like-bat­ter. This recipe is adapted from A Little Taste of France, a cookbook I dip in and out of frequently. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Plum Clafoutis is a glorious way to serve a baked French dessert. Arrange the Line a 20x30cm (approx) baking tin with non-stick baking paper. In a medium bowl cream eggs with sugar until smooth. Add the chopped plums and stir through the mixture with a spatula, until evenly distributed. Clafoutis is a very easy dessert to make, that does not require a lot of uten­sils. 1 hr Total Time. 1tsp ground cinnamon Butter and caster sugar for the tin Slivered almonds to decorate For the clafouti mixture: 50g slivered almonds 2 organic eggs 2 organic egg yolks 70g caster sugar Zest of 1 lime 250ml whipping cream 1/2 vanilla pod 30g plain flour Method. Of course you can use other fruits such as peach, apricot, nectarine, cherries, figs or berries. Arrange the plums in the baking dish. Privacy policy. This recipe is adapted from Fine Cooking (1). Prep time. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; In a large bowl beat eggs with sugar. Using an electric whisk, beat the eggs and sugar together for 5 minutes or until the mixture is pale and thick enough to leave a trail. the many ben­e­fits of French cook­ing and bak­ing. Submitted by adriana on Thu, 19/08/2010 - 22:57. Serves: 6. This quick and easy clafoutis is a perfect way to use up plums when in season. 2 In a large mixing bowl, whisk together all the cake ingredients, except the plums and flaked almonds, until well combined. Serves: 6 slices. A delicious French pud that's so easy to make! Distribute plum pieces in prepared tins or ramekins and pour in clafoutis mixture, distributing evenly. Print. 45 mins . Your email address will not be published. If you use parts of a post, men­tion French Mom Cook­ing as your source and link back to French Mom Cook­ing. Taken from the Slimming World magazine October 2012. This is very similar to my Peach or Plum Kuchen recipe – without the crust, so is great if you are avoiding grains. A delicious French pud that's so easy to make! The addition of ground almonds gives texture and flavour. Oops! Plum Clafoutis . A delicious French pud that's so easy to make! You can search easy authen­tic French recipes by typ­ing a key­word in the top search bar, or by brows­ing the food cat­e­gories below. 15 mins. Sieve the flour and a pinch of salt into a large bowl and add the sugar. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes in the preheated oven, or until firm and lightly browned. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Cut them in half and remove the pits. Ingredients. Jul 22, 2018 - This quick and easy clafoutis is a perfect way to use up plums when in season. Preheat the oven to 190 C / Gas mark 5. - soft plums, large eggs, full fat milk, plain flour, ground almonds, caster sugar, vanilla extract, salt, Butter for greasing, icing sugar for dusting, PRE-HEAT OVEN TO 180˚C/160˚C FAN/GAS 4; Wash, stone and quarter the plums. Recipe from allrecipes.co.uk. 40 min Cook Time. Ingredients. Almond and plum clafoutis. The sweet­ness of the almond flour soft­ens the slight acid­i­ty of plums, which makes for a deli­cious com­bi­na­tion of fla­vors. Lightly whisk in the flour and almonds. This plum clafoutis simple to make. . Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4. Plum clafoutis - This comforting delicious batter pudding is impressive but so easy to make. .. Layer cherries in the bottom of the baking tin and pour mixture over top. Click to share on Twit­ter (Opens in new win­dow), Click to share on Face­book (Opens in new win­dow), Click to share on Pin­ter­est (Opens in new win­dow). View our pri­va­cy pol­i­cy & dis­clo­sures here. In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar and ground almonds. Spiced Plum Clafoutis. Cook Yourself Thin • Food • Recipes. Apple and Plum Clafoutis. Ground almonds can be used in baking, and work especially well in bakewell tarts and gluten-free cakes. amzn_assoc_linkid = "0641259dbf28447f26036f6c70ba4455"; Place the flour and ground almonds in a large bowl, then add the butter, sugar, eggs and almond extract. Butter 4 mini tart tins or ramekins. This gluten-free almond pear clafoutis is simple, rustic French dessert that works for both breakfast and dessert. Recipe type: Dessert. 3 large eggs 120ml double cream 120g castor sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla essence 70 g cake flour, sifted 25g softened butter about 1.5 cups of stoned mirabelle plums, cut in half 50ml cognac or brandy 50g flaked almonds icing sugar for dusting (optional) vanilla ice cream/creme fraiche to serve. Something went wrong. Enjoy luke­warm or cold. Look­ing for more clafoutis recipes? 1/2 cup ground hazelnuts (we used ground almonds) 300 ml pouring cream. Serve with whipped cream and a sprinkling of toasted almond flakes on top. A delicious French pud that's so easy to make! Bon Appétit! Whizz all the batter ingredients in a blender until smooth, pour it over the fruits and bake for 20-25 … Add flour, milk and almonds and mix well. Halve and stone the plums. Plum Almond Clafoutis is a won­der­ful way to enjoy fresh plums. Top with some whipped cream for a delicious late summer dessert! 3 Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin, then top with the plums, pushing them down into the mixture a little. Distribute plum pieces in prepared tins or ramekins and pour in clafoutis mixture, distributing evenly. 3. The traditional recipe for clafoutis, a flan-type dessert is made with cherries. Add the cream, and mix again. Preheat oven to 180 C / Gas 4 and lightly grease a 20cm square baking tin. Serves: 6 Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes. Ready in about: 45 minutes . My Recipes My Lists My Calendar. Simply increase the baking time as needed. Print Recipe. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "frenchmom-20"; 30 mins. Serve the Clafoutis hot, straight from the oven, or chilled with whipped cream or ice cream. Required fields are marked *. NOTE: if you are avoiding grains or gluten, use tapioca starch in the custard instead of flour. Plum, Cranberry and Almond Clafoutis (pronounced “kla-FOO-tee”) Recipe. Plum clafoutis; Plum clafoutis. Total time. In a medium bowl cream eggs with sugar until smooth. For today I have one of my favorite desserts, a clafoutis! This plum almond clafoutis is made with whole wheat flour and lots of seasonal Italian blue plums. You may link to French Mom Cook­ing or use a pic­ture to link back to French Mom Cook­ing. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; 40min A slight twist on the classic cherry clafoutis, this one benefits from the addition of ground almonds. Method. The addition of ground almonds gives texture and flavour. Plum and almond clafoutis recipe. 2. Bake for 45 min­utes. Tip the eggs and sugar into a bowl and beat together until light and fluffy. My goal is to make French cui­sine easy to make in the US, so you can enjoy the many ben­e­fits of French cook­ing and bak­ing in the US. Combine the eggs with the milk, oil and vanilla. amzn_assoc_asins = "B00QQQAZPM,2080202944,2080203185,B01N4DN66E"; Your email address will not be published. Perfect for entertaining. Line 12x60mm circles with soft butter and greaseproof paper. Ingredients. INGREDIENTS 3 plums 1 cup cranberries (can be frozen, no need to defrost) 1/4 cup (50g) ground almonds 2 tbsp (30gm) rice flour 1/2 cup (100g) sugar substitute 2 free range eggs 1 tsp natural vanilla extract 1/2 tsp almond extract 1 cup (250g) milk (2% or whole) 1 tbsp(30g) melted unsalted butter 2 … Rinse the plums. Swap the cherries for 275g of blueberries, blackberries or some cooked pears. Remove the vanilla pod from the cream mixture and stir the cream mixture into the egg mixture until well combined. Cuisine: French. 60g butter, softened. French Mom Butter a 25cm fluted flan tin and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of caster sugar over the bottom. Fold the flour into the … In a big bowl, cream the butter and sugar with a hand-held electric whisk until pale, light and fluffy, … Using an electric mixer, beat the ingredients together for 4-5 minutes until the mixture is pale and fluffy. A clafoutis is a French custard-like dessert dish, typically made with cherries. Fortunately for you, I had some fresh juicy plums sitting on my counter so I made this melt in your mouth Plum Clafoutis. Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 30 minutes, till set in the centre. The addition of ground almonds gives texture and flavour. Change a third of the flour for finely ground almonds. MIRABELLE PLUM CLAFOUTIS (serves 4) Ingredients. Put the apples into a 16cm x 22cm baking dish. Plum Almond Clafoutis is a won­der­ful way to enjoy fresh plums. Preheat the oven to 180˚C, gas mark 4. Preheat the oven to 175°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Let it cool down. Stir in flour, almonds and milk. Preparation time: 10 minutes ... ½ tsp ground cinnamon . Turn them around (skin up), and slice thin slices. All you real­ly need is a shal­low bak­ing dish. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2020 Allrecipes.com, Inc. Preheat oven to 180 C / Gas 4. Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 30 minutes, till set in the centre. Pour the batter over the plums and bake for 35 - 40 minutes, or until golden. (See pic­ture). Add half of the sliced almonds and pulse to combine. Please try again. 1 Heat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/gas 4. Method Com­ments? Sprin­kle with sliced almonds. I've been experimenting with the traditional clafoutis recipe and have found that really almost any fruit will work well. Put the flour, ground almonds and butter into a food processor with the remaining sugar and whiz until forming clumps. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Learn how your comment data is processed. Feel free to leave a com­ment under a recipe, con­tact me, or join the con­ver­sa­tion on face­book. Cook time. Add the ground almonds and potato flour, then the eggs, one at the time, and the crème pâtissière. Stir in flour, almonds and milk. In a separate bowl, whip the cream until it forms soft peaks. Pre­heat oven to 350 degrees Fahren­heit. Instead of making individual clafoutis, bake it all in a 20cm square dish instead. 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