Mindoro Occidental: 1983-4489, Chase 17134 (K). Liddle IML1076 (BRI). ), H. sp. Several of the examined characters of the pollinaria of Hoya are useful in inferring phylogenetic relationships, indicating the utility of pollinarium morphology in this genus. Clemensiella mariae, a Philippine endemic, is redescribed, illustrated, and lectotypified. Kloppenb. Its minute staminal corona lobes lacking revolute outer margins and broad, flat caudicles of the pollinarium (resembling those of Dischidia) are quite peculiar within the genus, which is otherwise characterized by corona lobes with revolute margins and generally round to oval caudicles. Leaves are fairly dark green and elongated. $10.50. Get the best deals for hoya serpens at eBay.com. & Livshultz t. Hoya waymaniae Gard., Wanntorp Diversity in the genus Hoya (Asclepiadaceae Marsdenieae). Questions remain, however, about the evolution and relationships among the over 300 species of the genus. In contrast to this close molecular relationship the floral morphology of H. spartioides differs considerably not only from that of its sister, H. curtisii, but from all other species of Hoya investigated so far. 14(2): 1. Hoya phyllura O.Schwartz, Winkler 339 (type HBG), Lebang Hara, West Borneo, 24 Nov. 1924. Sabah: Mount Kinabalu, Wanntorp 577 (S). This paper summarises the available information on the ecology of Hoya species, and describes eight species from central Sulawesi. Wax plants (Hoya, Apocynaceae) evolution: Epiphytism drives successful radiation, HOYA NARCISSIFLORA (APOCYNACEAE, ASCLEPIADOIDEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM BORNEO, p> Hoya papaschonii (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae), a new species from southern Thailand with a peculiar corona