From this perspective, a particular role falls to the media which, without exploiting human weaknesses or drawing out the worst in us, must be directed toward generous encounter and to closeness with the least, promoting proximity and the sense of human family (205). In this two part news article, Fr Mark Paver from the parish of Our Lady of Hope, Salford, shares a summary of his reflections on Pope Francis’ newest encylical Fratelli Tutti. The encyclical offers eight For many phenomena that we see evolving on a global level and that are being considered here, we also see on a small scale in our own hearts and in the small communities to which we belong. What are the great ideals but also the tangible ways to advance for those who wish to build a more just and fraternal world in their ordinary relationships, in social life, politics and institutions? Fratelli Tutti Overview & Summary. Greater inequalities are emerging between population groups with the development of new forms of poverty. New forms of criminal activity are emerging through these media, as well as personal addictions and the illusion that a virtual world can replace the real world. Chapter 1 – Dark Clouds Over a Closed World. The 2 prayers of "Fratelli Tutti" Photo by Handout / VATICAN MEDIA / AFP. It is like a third world war fought piecemeal. The concern for our common home, which the world is after all, is by no means a concern for the economic powers that are only interested in making a quick profit. Special video for the Vatican’s release of Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti”, on Fraternity and Social Friendship Please support The Southern Cross Your support means we can keep Catholic news alive so that many others will have free access to the high-quality, trustworthy news they deserve. World Youth Day Opening Ceremony, 24 January 2019  What will be the next step at a global level once this pandemic has been beaten? It is time for us to “dream, then, as a single human family” in which we are “brothers and sisters all” (Par 8). These have become hollow terms that are now used to dominate others. Specifically, the Pope points to several “indispensable steps, especially in response to those who are fleeing grave humanitarian crises”: to increase and simplify the granting of visas; to open humanitarian corridors; to assure lodging, security and essential services; to offer opportunities for employment and training; to favour family reunification; to protect minors; to guarantee religious freedom and promote social inclusion. Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. The greatest malady that emerges here is a growing individualism, which is developing into a political and economic model and which undermines the realization that we are all each other’s brothers and sisters and that we are responsible for each other and for the common good. Everyone will read this encyclical from their specific background, from their own life story, and from the position they have in society. Another phenomenon we should mention is the way in which certain countries behave superior to others and dominate them, thereby blocking local development and imposing on them strange ideologies that are in stark contrast to their own traditions and morals. ”. A first step and thought must always be: what do I and my specific community in which I live have to do with this? There is something profoundly wrong here. Yes, quite a lot to take in, but still an urgent invitation not to bury our heads in the sand and pretend that it does not concern us. This is mainly the question that Fratelli tutti is intended to answer: the Pope describes it as a “Social Encyclical” (6) which borrows the title of the “Admonitions” of Saint Francis of Assisi, who used these words to “address his brothers and sisters and proposed to them a way of life marked by the flavour of the Gospel” (1). They must  be remembered always, anew, so as not be become anaesthetized and to keep the flame of collective conscience alive. In the eighth and final chapter, the Pontiff focuses on “Religions at the service of fraternity in our world” and again emphasizes that violence has no basis in religious convictions, but rather in their deformities. by René Stockman | Oct 31, 2020 | Formation, Reflections | 0 comments. Forgiveness is linked to peace: we must love everyone, without exception – the Encyclical reads – but loving an oppressor means helping him to change and not allowing him to continue oppressing his neighbour. There were many reactions from the Catholic community right away, mostly positive, but the publication of the encyclical did not go unnoticed on a global scale either. Highlights from presentation of “Fratelli tutti”, Fratelli tutti: 'Don't just read it, pray it', Pope introduces his new Encyclical after Angelus. That should be and remain the primary option. Fratelli tutti (On Fraternity and Social Friendship) Summary . This eResource kit gives you everything you need to give an overview Powerpoint presentation on Fratelli Tutti and lead a group discussion (60-90 minute event).Your license gives you permission to share the documents within your entire parish, school community, or diocesan office. But is it proportionate to the same progress morally and spiritually? Seeing Our Own Poverty, Clothing Ourselves in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, Fires at Churches are a Threat to the Expression of Religious Freedom. He also regularly refers to his previous encyclical Laudato Si’ and to social encyclicals of his illustrious predecessors. We are aware that we are facing a difficult problem here, in which fear is often the basis for various forms of exclusion. But at the same time, we need to respect the right to seek a better life elsewhere. In it, the Pope emphasizes that, in  an unhealthy society that turns its back on suffering and that is “illiterate” in caring for the frail and vulnerable (64-65), we are all called – just like the Good Samaritan – to become neighbours to others (81), overcoming prejudices, personal interests, historic and cultural barriers. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A healthy culture is a welcoming culture that is able to open up to others, without renouncing itself, offering them something authentic. A short summary of Pope Francis’ Social Encyclical “Fratelli tutti”. Today, we are living in the heyday of communication. As a method I choose a short summary of each chapter followed by a more personal reflection. Just as Saint Francis explicitly invited his fellow brothers and sisters to experience and promote mutual love and to love all without distinction or preference, so Pope Francis invites us to develop and promote fraternity and social friendship in our concrete world today. May it be a space and an invitation in which everyone can make their own reflection for themselves and for the group to which they belong. Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti of the Holy Father Pope Francis – On Fraternity And Social Friendship Pope Francis signed his new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti Oct. 3, 2020, during a visit to Assisi, when the Holy Father celebrated Mass at the tomb of his namesake, Saint Francis of Assisi. It is a model that does lead the world towards greater virtual unity, but at the same time it further divides individuals and nations. Nowadays, a so-called stability and peace are often propagated based on a mentality of fear and mutual distrust. It is like an extensive examination of conscience as to how we build our lives in community: do we do it as individuals, enveloping ourselves in devastating indifference or competition with one another, or do we do it as brothers and sisters in love for one another? With these words, Saint Francis of Assisi addressed his brothers and sisters and proposed to them a way of life marked by the flavour of the Gospel. The strength of Pope Francis is precisely that he does not stop calling on us to break our complacency and to feel jointly responsible for the common good. Is this the result of globalization, in which we should be striving for shared growth towards greater justice worldwide? However, let us also continue to see the positive side of the greater intercultural and even interreligious exchange that this migration can entail. The best help to a poor person, the Pontiff explains, is not just money, which is a provisional remedy, but rather allowing him or her to have a dignified life through work. In this chapter Francis exhorts us to go “‘outside’ the self” in order to find “a fuller existence in another” (88), opening ourselves up to the other according to the dynamism of charity which makes us tend toward “universal fulfilment” (95). On the eve of the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, 4 October 2020, Pope Francis published his third encyclical letter: ‘Fratelli tutti‘. There is also a strong rejection of the death penalty, defined as  “inadmissible”, and a central reflection on  forgiveness, connected to the concepts of remembrance and justice: to forgive does not mean to forget, the Pontiff writes, nor to give up defending one's  rights to safeguard one's dignity, which is a gift from God. Fratelli tutti’ – Short Summary Monday, October 5th, 2020 @ 11:48 am Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. Another hope present in the Encyclical regards the reform of the UN: in the face of the predominance of the economic dimension which nullifies the power of the individual state, in fact, the task of the United Nations will be to give substance to the concept of a “family of  nations” working for the common good, the eradication of indigence and the protection of human rights. Fratelli tutti A radical blueprint for post-Covid world.Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. In this way – the Pope states – it will be possible to go beyond a  Policy “with”  and “of” the poor (169). Now we often see the opposite happening, and it is painful to see that what was solemnly proclaimed 70 years ago is far from being a reality and is certainly not respected everywhere. The Poverello “did not wage a war of words aimed at imposing doctrines; he simply spread the love of God”, the Pope writes, and “he became a father to all and inspired the vision  of a fraternal society” (2-4). The poor, people with disabilities who are not considered useful to this global economy, unborn children who are not yet included, and the elderly who have become a burden. At the same time, Pope Francis underscores that a more just world is achieved by promoting peace, which is not merely the absence of war; it demands “craftsmanship”, a job that involves everyone. Fratelli tutti (All Brothers) is the third encyclical of Pope Francis, subtitled "on fraternity and social friendship". Kathleen N. Hattrup-published on 10/04/20. The second chapter, “A stranger on the road”, is dedicated to this figure. From here, two exhortations: do not view punishment as vindictive, but rather as part of a process of healing and of social reintegration, and to improve prison conditions, with respect for the human dignity of the inmates, also considering that “a life sentence is a secret death penalty” (263-269). Unnecessary migration needs to be avoided, the Pontiff affirms, by creating concrete opportunities to live with dignity in the countries of origin. How can it be that where such progress reigns there is an icy silence, a total indifference to a totally different reality worldwide where, because of grave injustices and political crises, millions of children are dying of hunger? She does not remain at the margins of society and, while not engaging in politics, however, she does not renounce the political dimension of life itself. Deeds made tangible in a “better kind of politics”, which is not subordinated to financial interests, but to serving the common good, able to place the dignity of every human being at the centre and assure work to everyone, so that each one can develop his or her own abilities. A short summary of the new encyclical, ‘Fratelli Tutti ... READ the report from Vatican News Or go HERE to read a long summary Pope Francis signed his latest encyclical October 3 at Assisi. On the eve of the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, 4 October 2020, Pope Francis published his third encyclical letter: ‘ Fratelli tutti ‘. Meanwhile, part of the second and the entire fourth chapter are dedicated to the theme of migration, the latter, entitled “A heart open to the whole world”. A healthy culture is a welcoming culture that is able to open up to others, without renouncing itself, offering them something authentic. This can never bring true peace. It is a politics centred on human dignity and not subjected to finance because “the marketplace, by itself, cannot resolve every problem”: the “havoc” wreaked by financial speculation has demonstrated this (168). Blog Posts on Fratelli Tutti. And, in the ongoing fight against COVID-19 and its prevention, will the so-called ‘useless’ groups once again be relegated to second place? Looking at the world, we cannot deny the great advances in science, technology, medicine, industry, and the standard of living of people in developed countries. The true anti-poverty strategy does not simply aim to contain or render indigents inoffensive, but to promote them in the perspective of solidarity and subsidiarity (187). Fratelli Tutti is the second social encyclical in five years, a rather unique case in Church history. No one is useless and no one is expendable” (215). Love builds bridges and “we were made for love” (88), the Pope adds, particularly exhorting Christians to recognize Christ in the face of every excluded person (85). View the_.famvin_network’s profile on Instagram, A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings. Francis expresses just as clear a position with regard to the death penalty: it is  inadmissible and must be abolished worldwide, because “not even a murderer loses his personal dignity” – the Pope writes – “and God himself pledges to guarantee this”. Moreover, today we observe a deterioration of ethics  (29), contributed to, in a certain way, by the mass media which  shatter respect for others and eliminate all discretion, creating isolated and self-referential virtual circles, in which freedom is an illusion and dialogue is not constructive (42-50). One might wonder if one is not losing the capacity of listening to each other in the process. It is a growing globalization that does not, however, prompt us to grow in fraternity with each other. Then, of particular note, is the Pope’s reference to the miracle of  “kindness”, an attitude to be recovered because it is a star “shining in the midst of darkness” and “frees us from the cruelty ...  the anxiety ... the frantic flurry of activity” that prevail in the contemporary era. That is why we cannot close our eyes to this global tragedy that we are facing today. In receiving countries, the right balance will be between the protection of citizens' rights and the guarantee of welcome and assistance for migrants (38-40). In the first chapter, “Dark clouds over a closed world”, the document reflects on the many distortions of the contemporary era: the manipulation and deformation of concepts such as democracy, freedom, justice; the loss of the meaning of the social community and history; selfishness and indifference toward the common good; the prevalence of a market logic based on profit and the culture of waste; unemployment, racism, poverty; the disparity of rights and its aberrations such as slavery, trafficking, women subjugated and then forced to abort, organ trafficking (10-24). The Encyclical also places specific emphasis on the issue of foreign debt: subject to the principal that it must be paid, it is hoped nonetheless that this does not compromise the growth and subsistence of the poorest countries (126). There are two ‘tools’ in particular to achieve this type of society: benevolence, or truly wanting good for the other (112), and solidarity which cares for fragility and is expressed in service to people and not to ideologies, fighting against poverty and inequality (115). The value and promotion of peace is reflected on in the seventh chapter, “Paths of renewed encounter”, in which the Pope underlines that peace is connected to truth, justice and mercy. 1) are spreading everywhere, leaving injured people by the roadside, cast out and discarded. At the same time the Pope underscores that a journey of peace among religions is possible and that it is therefore necessary to guarantee religious freedom, a fundamental human right for all believers (279). Linked to truth, peace and reconciliation must be “proactive”; they must work toward justice through dialogue, in the name of mutual development. This video, as a build up of the previous one, presents the summary of the first two chapters of Pope Francis' encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. People who deny their history and their traditions lose their souls, their spiritual identity, their acquired morality and, finally, their ideological, economic, and political independence. The Encyclical concludes by remembering Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu,  Mahatma Gandhi and above all Blessed Charles de Foucauld, a model for everyone of what it means to identify with the least in order to become “the universal brother” (286-287). Thus, “deplorable” acts, such as acts of terrorism, are not due to religion but to erroneous interpretations of religious texts, as well as “policies linked to hunger, poverty, injustice, oppression”. Thus, the natural right to private property will be secondary to the principal of the universal destination of created goods (120). With their lives “at stake” (37), fleeing from war, persecution, natural catastrophes, unscrupulous trafficking, ripped from their communities of origin, migrants are to be welcomed, protected, supported and integrated. These documents prepared by the Vatican provide a helpful introduction to Pope Francis' third encyclical, Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship. Lastly, reminding religious leaders of their role as “authentic mediators” who expend themselves in order to build peace, Francis quotes the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together”, which he signed on 4 February 2019 in Abu Dhabi, along with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar,  Ahmad Al-Tayyib: from that milestone of interreligious dialogue, the Pontiff returns to the appeal that, in the name of human fraternity, dialogue be adopted as the way, common cooperation as conduct, and mutual knowledge as method and standard (285). A fraternal society, therefore, will be one that promotes educating in dialogue in order to defeat the “virus” of “radical individualism” (105) and to allow everyone to give the best of themselves. FRATELLI TUTTI OF THE HOLY FATHER FRANCIS ON FRATERNITY AND SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP . How many wars are not waged and how many persecutions do not take place based on racial or religious grounds? Beginning with protection of the family and respect for its “primary and vital mission of education” (114). The encyclical calls for more human fraternity and solidarity, and is a plea to reject wars. Never forget “horrors” like the Shoah, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, persecutions and ethnic massacres – exhorts the Pope. The complete document is available HERE. It seems to summarize the social dimension of his pontificate and it is telling that once again he uses a phrase from his patron saint as Pope to define the encyclical. The shadows plunge humanity into confusion, loneliness, and desolation. Friendship and unity in a fragmented world . When we come upon an injured stranger True wisdom grows through living encounters with reality and not by surfing the internet for hours on end every day to gather seemingly endless information. In the encyclical, Pope Francis speaks about good politics, calls for an end to the polarization between those swept by populism and those against it, and stresses that the notion of people is mythological. Forgiveness does not mean impunity, but rather, justice and remembrance, because to forgive does not mean to forget, but to renounce the destructive power of evil and the desire for revenge. If the dignity of human beings were respected and the rights of all were recognized, fresh and creative initiatives would emerge that would further the common good. The only way forward is to grow towards a community where mutual belonging and solidarity become real priorities. The Encyclical aims to promote a universal aspiration toward fraternity and social friendship. This begets the Pontiff's condemnation of war, the “negation of all rights” and is no longer conceivable even in a hypothetically “justified” form, because nuclear, chemical and biological weapons already have enormous repercussions on innocent civilians. “Fratelli tutti”: short summary of Pope Francis's Social Encyclical 01.11.2020 Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. I wish to do so as the person in charge within an international congregation that fulfils a clear mission in the world, more specifically in the world of education and health care, on the basis of its own charism. In the end, what do the terms democracy, freedom, justice, and unity still mean? He also makes use of texts sent to him through bishops’ conferences. Source: Brothers of Charity Website. Tireless recourse “to negotiation, mediation and arbitration” –  the Papal Document states – the UN must promote the force of law rather than the law of force, by favouring multilateral accords that better protect even the weakest states (173-175). In this perspective the Pontiff also calls us to consider “an ethics of international relations” (126), because every country  also belongs to foreigners and the goods of the territory cannot be denied to those who are in need and come from another place. Another social pain we are facing today is that of the issue of refugees. Hence, popular movements have taken on particular relevance: as true “social poets” with that “torrent of moral energy”, they must be engaged in social, political and economic participation, subject, however, to greater coordination. It seems to be an illusion that what the global economy is trying to impose on us is a unique cultural model. The shadows plunge humanity into confusion, loneliness, and desolation. Superior General of the Brothers of Charity. Severe forms of injustice dominate the world view fuelled by aberrant anthropological visions aimed at so-called control of the world’s population and an economic model aimed solely at the acquisition of profit, which does not shy away from exploiting, excluding, or even killing people. In receiving countries, the right balance will be between the protection of citizens' rights and the guarantee of welcome and assistance for migrants (38-40). The Document on Human Fraternity signed by Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar in February 2019 is an inspirational influence cited many times. It sounds like his testament, in which he takes stock of his pontificate. Often propagated based on racial or religious grounds greater cooperation on a global scale wars are not same. 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