Those of men or women, parents or offspring, in- termarrying partners or their kin? Dowry, by contrast, is causally linked to the sharp socioeconamic differences among families that arise when land is scarce, with dowry taking a form of bilat- eral premortem inheritance that ensures that daughters maintain or increase their status at marriage. London: Yale University Press. C. LWECHUNGURA KAMUZORA Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912, U.S.A. 14 XII 94. n = 98, n = 88, respectively). Edited by L. L. Betzig, M. Borgerhoff Mulder, and P. W. Turke, pp. The average household head in Abosi (table I) owns 14 acres and 13 livestock units. But anthropology is indeed just that strange a discipline these days. Bridewealth and groom's economic status (n = 200).Analysis of variance shows a main effect of groom's economic status (F,,,,, = 5.24, p = 0.006) and an interaction effect with time block categorized as 1952-81 and 1982-91 (FZjlss= 6.81, p = 0.001). 1992. Chastity is of course an issue, but even chastity depends on a cultural definition of what is a marriage, and on when a marriage is actually a marriage. In short, I think that predictions about the design of behaviour-how, for ex- ample, men's preferences for women (and vice versa] are affected by changes in the division of labour-are as cen- tral to an evolutionary understanding of human behav- iour as studies that focus simply on the fitness conse- quences (Borgerhoff et al, n.d.1. IRA]. (As if there was such a thing as a single African culture.) This amount was divided by the number of co-wives married to the bride/groomls father; the rationale for this stems from the house-property system, in which co-wives en- joy considerable economic autonomy from one another and sons inherit only from their mothers' houses (see Borgherhoff Mulder I987, I990). "Poor" houses (in the terminology of the house-property system) can be characterized as having fewer than 5 acres, fewer than 5 livestock units, and a household head who resorts sporadically to wage labour. Finally, community projects (both traditional and of the "harambee" state-sponsored philosophy) often support families suffering economic hardship, at least if the fam- ily is well respected. I am not wiser than a “generation of prophets”, surely not, but after a lifetime of studying the continent I know Africa better than our leaders do. Hakansson's second point is about contingent prestations. She has been able to show that 18-22% of the variance in bridewealth can be explained by models based on sup- ply of and demand for women and their economic and reproductive services and, at the same time, the supply of and demand for men and the wealth and affinal con- nections they bring to a marriage. Like her, I am not confident that evolutionary psychology will, as currently constituted, provide much understanding of the contextual dependence of motivations underlying hu- man behaviour IBor~erhoff Mulder et al, n.d.1. American Anthro- pologist 91:414-29. the rigorous comparative, temporo-historical approach initially conceived by anthropology for the study of so- cial life. Nomads in alliance. 1986. NOTE:Expected values (derived from random marriage prefer- ences) in parentheses. New York: Free Press. More gener- ally, Dixit favours a different style of historical analysis from the one I have presented, a "dynamic and creative interpretation of history." Adolescent pregnancy is a complex socio-economic phenomenon ranking high on the global health policy agenda. Kipsigis men and women are acutely aware of the growing numbers of unmarried mothers. DERMAN, P. J. Nelson should definitely not set goals for wedding expenses, brideprice or dowry; my point is exactly that such a move is for the African Saints themselves to consider, with some very general guidelines from abroad if needed. Critical Theories: Marxist, Conflict, and Feminist. Second, the notion of demand is measured here simply in terms of a behavioural outcome-how much is paid. Maize was intro- duced as a subsistence and cash crop and became in-. Acquiring information and arranging marriages in such circumstances are not activities conducted ex- clusively of other activities and are therefore unlikely to be very costly. Bridewealth and dowry revisited. Cash component of the payment has been converted into zebu units. African women have a very clear understanding about their own value in society, may have ambivalent feelings about the bride price system but they do share the pro-natal outlook the brideprice system embodies. Women too have been marrying later (median 18.0 years) in the past decade than they did four decades ago (16.0years), and the delay is due not to later age at clitoridectomy (the crucial menarcheal initiation ceremony preceding marriage) but to a longer waiting period between initiation and marriage. BOYD, R., AND P. J. RICHERSON. Neoinstitutional economic theory can even assist in the development of testable hypotheses. Parts of the analysis benefited from presentation at the Bay Area Colloquium on Population (UC Berkeley) and the Human Behavior and Evolution Meetings (Ann Arbor, 1994) Margaret George Crarner, Tom Fricke, Thomas Ha- kansson, Suad Joseph, Ronald Lee, and Alexandra Wilson offered valuable critiques of an earlier draft. CNN - South Africa is the world's most unequal nation. But it can never be correct unless daughters are managed as commodities by enter- prises that have a simple measure of "value" and a simi- larly simple measure of cost. A few societies, such as the !Kung in the KALAHARI DESERT and the Mbuti in the rain forest of CONGO (KINSHASA), survived almost completely unchanged into modern times. No, pres. Depending on whether the educated belief that children are not property becomes dominant, then, the neoinstitutional economic perspective will predict one or the other solution to the increased transaction-cost problem. Insofar as reproductive, economic, and political services are transferred at marriage, key charac- teristics of the bride, the groom, and their families that influence the provision of each these services might be expected to affect the outcome of negotiations. Thus anthropologists as well as historians and demogra- phers persist in studying how marriages are embedded in the economic strategies of households, focusing on the ways in which men and women secure labour, distribute property, and maintain or enhance status (e.g., Collier 1987, Schlegel and Eloul 1988, Fricke 1984, Skinner 1993); frequently such analyses are couched in terms of practice theory (Bourdieu 1976). For example, I was able to determine the cultural specificity of the dowry system practised among ritually high-caste Hin- dus-its obsession with chastity-through interpretation of the religious legends prevalent among them (Dixit 1991). For example, in north- eastern Zaire (where I work), sexually transmitted dis- eases lead to high variance in completed fertility among horticulturalist women (Bailey and Aunger n.d.). 1993. Boulder: Westview Press. The Kipsigis provide an ideal opportunity for a quantitative study of bridewealth precisely because payments do not generally extend beyond the two sets of parents and are made at the marriage celebrations, but I think that Ka- muzora's cautionary words need to be kept in mind and that measurement error in part accounts for the propor- tion of variance explained. Stanford: Stanford Uni- versity Press. Meaning of Culture: Culture describes a certain set of customs, ideas and social behavior of a group of similar people in a society. "Women in the changing African family," in Af- rican women. Man- chester: Manchester University Press. Edited by M. J. Hay and S. Stichter, pp. And my expreince in church leadership taught me that I could expect to be inspired after I did my utmost to be informed; inspiration tends to follow information. 1981. corruption, ethnic violence), many economists argue that the absence of economic growth is in part due to a detrimental geography that impacts on the economy. Paper presented at the General Conference of the Society for the Study of Social Biology, University Park, Pa. [LB]. Borgerhoff Mulder mentions people's awareness of and appreciation for family planning. London: Blackwell Scientific Publications. That is to say, the gift is a price set by the bride’s family to be exchanged for their daughter. The sons of the wealthy are no longer being charged more than other men. 1975. Turning now from the frequency of isogamous mar- riages to the payments that accompany them, we see that bridewealth is particularly high both in marriages between wealthy families (fig. Which humans behave adaptively, and why does it matter! Athens: University of Georgia Press. SDRENSEN, A. The data in table 2 confirm this conclusion: earnings from maize are contribut- ing less income than earnings from local marketing of other produce and from off-farm employment, both ac- tivities pursued almost exclusively by men2, Among Kipsigis a single bridewealth payment is made at the time of marriage with no formal expectation of protracted or return payments. They may refuse to pay, but who will then give them their daughter in marriage? My first reaction when I heard this advice given from the prophet, was that it would cut down on interfaith marriages in Africa rather quickly. The weighting of evi- dence and the determinants of confidence. The essay comes across to me as entirely from the male point of view. This is because these games model interaction between individ- uals with different utilities in an institutional context, which much more closely approximates a social situa- tion such as marriage negotiations (see Schotter 1981 and recent issues of the Journal of Economic Theory or the Journal of Political Economy). Both you & he have the right to hold whatever opinion you do about my views, but that does not make your views “correct”. Once-as lately as the last field study-women brought men an early age at menar- che and long reproductive life span; now, if they're lucky, they go to school, get jobs, and bring home extra money. Elder Sitati of the Seventy said that the occasion was his first visit to Lincoln County. Payments for marriages in which the bride was reported pregnant, had already produced a child, or was being married by another woman were extended (n =19), since these are typically characterized by low bridewealth and constrained negotiation (e.g., Borgerhoff Mulder 1988 and fig. He also does not mention the connection between bride price and polygyny, or that by limiting divorce, the practice may support the long-term abuse of women. -. But more important than discovering the economic, social, or cultural factors associated with a social insti- tution is synthesizing them-understanding how these different factors interact with one another and with the social institutions and practices under study. CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY 30:413-35. Borgerhoff Mulder's data are sub-, stantial: her analvsis is careful. B., AND H. KAPLAN. While it is true that bridewealth pay- ments in many societies are symbolic and fixed, this is not the case in East Africa. By expanding the ana- lytic focus beyond marriages amongst the rich and edu- cated, these results expose a new and more complex re- lationship between bridewealth and status. Since I, have little familiarity with East African pastoralists, I, will discuss 'a way in which her theoretical argument, might be fruitfully extended as a means of providing a. I am struck by Borgerhoff Mulder's somewhat apolo- getic tone about her use of an economic approach to deal with a complex social institution such as marriage- doubtless a hedge against the charge that such a re- ductionistic framework is incapable of properly char- acterizing so culturally embedded a practice. The article reconsiders the conflict ma… Himalayan households. "Introduction," in Rational choice. PERUSSE, D. 1993. As a result, the need for marriage ceremonies has all but disappeared. This sounds more like a defense of slavery than an attempt to help us understand other cultures. Women's only access to livestock and land, the resources critical to food production, was through marriage (Borgerhoff Mulder 1990). No consideration is given to the thoughts, feelings, or rights of the woman in this scenario. I simply speculate about these on the basis of time-interaction effects, recent political events, emic views, and ethnographic data. There is no statistical tendency for the wealthy to intermarry; whereas such marriages formerly entailed high bridewealths, they have not in the past decade. GULLIVER, P. H. 1955. For education, by contrast, there is assortative marriage [all data combined in table 41 reflecting 'intermarriage among secondary-, married by secondaw-educated men, and a similar bias is found among men:7 Educational isogamy reflects two. It is a very interesting question whether bride-, wealth transactions will move toward a Gusii-like elite, marriage system or whether they will be dispensed with, altogether, as among the Kikuyu. Such may include economic and social factors. I7 XI1 94The outcomes of marriage negotiations are rather vari- able, and-what is more interesting-their variability may change over time. It is easy to see bridewealth as a purely or predominantly commercial transaction which is introduced into engagement and marriage in violation of human dignity. I think people are missing the crux of this post. -. However, I, share Aunger's enthusiasm for this field insofar as it in-, jects greater institutional reality into the thinking of. Review Essay: “The Power of Godliness: Mormon Liturgy and Cosmology”: Materiality and Performance →. This relates directly to our next reason why history is important, which is… 2. Bridewealth and bride's age at menarche (n =. "The economics of Mursi bridewealth: A comparative perspective," in The meaning of marriage pay- ments. Changing Patterns of Bridewealth and Marriage, As in much of eastern Africa, Kipsigis bridewealth has shown considerable resilience in the face of powerful forces of sociocultural change, highlighting the major role it plays in legitimating the nascent reproductive and socioeconomic unit. My alternative, proposal is that the shift is primarily driven by the grow-, ing surplus of marriageable women documented and dis-. The Most Significant General Conference Addresses of the 2010s: A Tentative List, A Christmas wish, A Christmas Hymn Wishlist, Radical Orthodoxy, What do people look up about the Church on Wikipedia? Edited by Mustapha K. Nabli and Jeffrey B. Nugent, pp. 0. Here I think he fails to appreciate that marriage in Abosi does not operate as a market (see Aunger's comments on this)j there is no reason to believe that with each transaction equilibrium is reached. When a married daughter leaves her husband, her father will have to refund the bridewealth, something few brides’ fathers look forward to. Do not make specific rules for other cultures, let them make their own; after all, they do know the gospel and should be trusted to make their own cultural adaptations guided by the spirit. African marriages, throughout, are bridewealth marriages: one ‘pays’ for a bride. New York: Cambridge Univer- sity Press. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. These developments, stimulated high levels of polygyny and elevated bride-, wealth payments. NABLI, MUSTAPHA K., AND JEFFREY B. NUGENT. Educational categories de- fined as follows: None, no primary schooling; average, primary schooling, reaching standards 1-7 (8); high, secondary schooling, reaching forms 1-6 (4). Editor. Demanding a large payment from a poor suitor is advantageous in two respects: it may frighten him off, and it compensates for his likely delinquencies in future years. Clark is correct: my point is that blanket condemnation is not the way to treat foreign cultures. Dowry contrasts with the related concepts of bride price and dower.While bride price or bride service is a payment by the groom or his family to the bride's parents, dowry is the wealth transferred from the bride's family to the groom or his family, ostensibly for the bride. Similar observations on the relative scarcity of eligible men are heard among Kikuyu (Worthman and Whiting 1987) and other Kenyans. Our church service could use more African culture: drums and other local instruments, better hymns, more native dress, etc. A black market for bridewealth paymentsmight arise, with hidden gold jewelry exchanged at wedding ceremonies!In fact, African government have tried on numerous occasions to regulatebridewealth payments, including Niger in 1975 (Masquelier 2001),Cameroon during the early colonial period Colonial Period may generally refer to any period in a country's history when it was … Since brides and cattle are both factors in the population dynamics of their respective groups, the analysis of bridewealth must be placed in a multigenera- tional context. 4 Of course all societies and polities are specific and particular, but this does not necessarily refute the claim that there might be wider similarities in forms of international relationships; nor does it deny that power relations in Europe or Asia or Latin America, or within the corridors of the UN or the World Bank, might impact significantly upon African politics. The aggressive spread of market economics and communication technologies - often under the control of Western multinationals - brings new challenges to local cultures and values in Africa and other non-Western societies. The maxi- mand for any particular situation can in principle be derived inductively or deductively; rational-choice can only justify the former, while evolutionary ecology of- fers a chance to do the latter.) (PDF) Marriage and Bridewealth (Ilobolo) in Contemporary Zulu … I hope that this work shows those who have not followed evolutionary theo- retical studies of humans since their inception in the 1970s and early 1980s that we have now moved from the narrow focus of trying to prove that humans follow fitness-maximizing strategies (e.g., Borderhoff Mulder 1987) to the broader agenda of explaining inter- and in- tracultural variability. Journal ofLaw and Economics 3: 1-44. 6. Considering the bride price tradition being biblical in scope, as you pointed out in your OP, the same Lord who countenanced similar traditions in previous generations would appear to expect his children to move on from that tradition now. Borgerhoff Mulder's paper places many social struc- tural factors in the background in order to highlight cer- tain processes of change. STRATEGIES OF MIDDLE-AND LOW-RANKING FAMILIES AND MARRIAGE PAYMENT SYSTEMS. As with al- most any piece of nonexperimental work, we have fi- nally to rely on inference and plausibility, as Voland notes too. History helps us … ECONOMIC CHANGE, MARRIAGE, AND BRIDEWEALTH, A rise in the real value of bridewealth payments (mea- sured in stock or monetarv values1 throughout the colo-, nial period is widely reported in 'eastern and southern Africa (Mair 1969:153; Kitching 1980). A bride's family's economic standing has little effect on the amount of bridewealth that is demanded (fig. Finally, I note the distinction between a woman's value (as used here) and the broader study of women's status (however defined [see, for example, Schlegel 1977:8-9; Oboler 1985 :305-131). [RA]. The parents of a couple always address each other with the reciprocal terms of respect and friendship (bamoru for men, batiem for women), the latter term (also used for a grandmother) implying great tenderness. Appreciation of womenhood as important, which may be use- ful to pursue in further research on topic! Stratified Mukogodo and their measurement are known visit to Lincoln County a lasting relationship, that anthropologists affinity! Discipline stands to benefit reproductively from their experi- ences ( Garcia, P., K. E., the... From his Mukogodo study Cronk is well aware of how ecological and social statistics, Obafemi Awolowo:... These criteria stitutional economics and development, '' in behavioural ecology, 3d Edition the of. 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