Although Camellia Sinensis is the plant that all types of tea originate, the process of which it is harvested and processed defines what type of tea will be produced. And so on until the last harvest, which us usually the 4th. The side effects are mainly due to the presence of caffeine in sencha. The leaves themselves are still delicate, and the flavor is light as well. Although more yellow or brown in color, the tea is still made from the stems of leaves that go through the Green tea process. The reason for this is the wealth of amino acids and the lack of catechin and caffeine. None at all. But do we really know what type of green tea we are drinking? This is going to be a beginner’s guide, and cover most of the questions you’d have when you first find this tea. Matcha tea powder isn’t brewed or infused. Like oolong tea, green tea is native to China. Today we’ll be covering how it’s made, from harvest to packaging. Sencha. Because Tencha does not undergo the rolling process, the larger leaves release high levels of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Yes, Sencha is very different from Matcha. In the case of green tea, farmers steam and roast the newly picked tea leaves, preventing the oxidation process from occurring and stopping any fermentation from happening. This tea is good to drink before and after exercise to awaken and rejuvenate the body. Shade-grown green tea has higher levels of caffeine. The rice provides a different grainier flavor, and acts as a soother to the stomach after consuming tempura or eating fried foods, Genmaicha acts a soothing agent for stomachs. Rolling the leaves gives them their needle-like shape. This of it as kind of a white tea, in terms of how delicate and light it is. Meaning that each cup can hold about 5 full oz/150 ml of brewed tea. You’ll notice that Sencha is different from most other green teas around the world, because it’s processed in the Japanese fashion. Photo courtesy of Japanese Green Tea Company Most cups hold 4-5 oz/120-150 ml of water. -Sun protection that works from the inside out, green tea neutralizes UV light, protecting against sunburns. These come from how young and hence tender the buds are. It’s steamed for longer than Asamushi, and the leaves develop a dark, bright green color. This growth is harvested starting mid-spring, such as April. Matcha vs sencha benefits. When removed from sunlight, the leaves endure less photosynthesis, keeping strong-flavored amino acids in the plant and giving Gyokuro its fuller taste. Green tea gets its name from the natural green color of the leaves that the plant grows and green tint of the brew. Gyokuro - Gyokuro is made from from "Shinme" the first flush of tea leaves, and is shaded from sunlight for about 20 days before it is harvested and processed. Sencha Green Tea. This prompts the second harvest 2-4 weeks after the first. It is able to maintain its sweet flavor because of the high levels of theanine, an amino acid that forms by shading the tea leaves from the sunlight about three weeks prior to harvest. It is instead made up of small bits of leaves that are filtered out during the processing of Gyokuro or Sencha. Once the leaves have been harvested, they’re brought in to be steamed. There are many other means in which we differ between different types of green tea, but here are a few different types of Japanese green tea. Fukamushi means "Steamed for a long time". To start, as mentioned before, sencha is grown in the sun, but matcha is grown in the shade. Heat transfer and difference in flavor are the main factors here. This can further extract the tea leaves, and we don’t want that. It comes from stems that go through the Gyokuro process, and is known for its yellow brew. After the first harvest, the leaves will grow back as the plant continues to grow. A cheaper version of Sencha is called Bancha. Funmatsucha has as much or even more antioxidants than normal Green Teas, so this strain specifically acts as a great agent to fight against the common cold, headaches, and illnesses. Depending on other factors such as growing methods, harvesting time and processing, that amount may be lower or higher. Green tea is the most commonly grown type of tea in the world. It’s the Japanese green tea that’s got everyone hooked, and it’s a little more affordable than Matcha. The green tea leaves of the first harvest, shincha, make the highest quality tea for a given year. I recently ordered a pound of genuine Japanese Sencha Green Tea from Harney & Sons (who turn out to be a long bike ride away at the Millerton end of the Harlem Valley Rail Trail), having had entirely enough of the rather bitter Chinese Sencha from the local grocery store.. This way the tea leaves will cool down, and won’t be extracted by the remaining steam. Make sure to measure out how much water fits into each cup, and how many cups you’re serving. Sencha tea is a Japanese ryokucha (green tea… Difference #4: Caffeine & L-Theanine. Providing natural caffeine accompanied with a sweet, thick taste, this Green Tea powder when mixed with hot water is commonly drank to fight illnesses in the family. The farming of green tea has spread throughout Asia creating different varieties and strains of green tea. Click on an image below to visit the respective section on our shop Gyokuro Kabusecha Sencha Bancha Sencha itself has a wide definition as tea leaf that is picked when young, steamed, rolled, and dried. The first step is to boil the water, bringing it to 100 C/212 F. This is important, because the whole process of brewing Sencha relies on the water cooling down for s specific amount of time, in order to get to 80 C/176 F. If you’re wondering why you can’t just use water that’s already 80 C/176 F, it’s because the teaware needs to be hot, before we even begin brewing. A uniquely Japanese tea is genmaicha (also known as Gen Mai Cha or Popcorn Tea). During the rolling and shaping process some leaves may get broken, but this is not an issue. Sencha has a very straight-forward process. Shincha is harvested during the first flush of a plant, and normally hold a bitter taste. For example, younger leaves and buds contain more caffeine than older mature leaves. Measure out 2 grams/1 teaspoon of Sencha for each person/cup. Sencha green tea will usually have around 20-30 mg of caffeine per cup, an average amount for green tea. The main defining differences between types of green tea stem from the where it is grown, the harvesting method, and the processing method. The same process is repeated for the third steep, only now it will be 2 minutes instead of 1 minute and a half. Sencha and its brewing method are really a beautiful thing. It’s the freshness of taste and savory umami flavor that make a fine sencha. Once you’re done serving into cups, make sure there is no water left in the teapot. Japanese Green Tea vs Chinese Green Tea - 10 battles you don't want to miss. For example, Japanese and Chinese green tea differ in the steaming process. Sencha green tea is a safe beverage but it can have its own set of side effects. Another difference is that Sencha is infused, and you only drink the liquid. However, this means that when brewing Sencha you’ll need to give it plenty, plenty of room to unfurl as the leaves are larger than other green teas. When brewed properly, sencha is not highly acidic. As autumn rolls around, the leaves change flavor dramatically and aren’t really great for green tea. This is as opposed to matcha ( 抹茶 ), powdered Japanese green tea, where the green tea powder is mixed with hot water and therefore the leaf itself is … Sencha green tea is one of the most popular green teas the world over. This means that to brew a damn good cup of Sencha, you’ll need both the tea (the best you can find), and the tools. Sure there are fancier ones like Gyokuro. This will both heat the teapot and also cool the water a little bit more. Another difference is that Sencha is infused, and you only drink the liquid. This results in a better tasting green tea, and a definitely green brew color. However, Japanese sencha green tea is more robust and refreshing. Once springtime rolls around, the plants become active again and start to produce new growth. There is also a different Sencha name for the first harvest – Shincha, or Ichibancha – meaning ‘first tea’. Sencha tea is rich in polyphenols, including catechins. Some say it’s a bit like seaweed, but not in a bad way. There are many different types of Green teas that offer different types of health benefits. This tea is at times shaded, but mostly sun grown. This is largely based off of the Song Dynasty custom, which would grind and brew the powder in hopes of acquiring the medicinal attributes. Its probably still a good idea to use your usual SPF, but green tea … Though sencha tea has an average amount of caffeine level, those who are caffeine sensitive have to be wary. Who knows what else you might find ? And finally, the flavor difference is immense. Thanks to a short brew time, most cups hover around 20 to 30 milligrams. Once you’ve added the tea leaves, cover the teapot and steep for one full minute. When the tea leaves are picked, they are immediately exposed to oxygen and begin the fermentation process. It might seem like a lot, but keep in mind that you’ll steep them again, with another round of water. This process provides a richer flavor and surprisingly has soothing effects on the stomach due to its light flavor. Today, green tea is widely cultivated across India and Asia although China still produces 80% of the world's green tea. Sencha tea is grown in the sun, which contributes to many of its nutritional attributes. It’s a bit lower in quality, but still good. Chinese sencha, which is typically roasted, has lower levels of caffeine than most Japanese green teas. Even though this tea may be bitter, it actually has as much and potentially more antioxidants than the normal tea strains. The result is a delicious nutty taste. But I have a hard time picking a favorite between the two. We’re going to be looking at matcha powder vs. sencha loose leaf to see which one tastes better and which is better for you. Yup, Japanese on the left, Chinese on the right. Sencha ( 煎茶) is a type of Japanese ryokucha ( 緑茶, green tea) which is prepared by infusing the processed whole tea leaves in hot water. And more interesting ones like the wonderful Genmaicha. Konacha is frequently mistaken for Funmatsucha, but what many do not realize is that although Konacha means powder tea, it is not a powder. This helps them keep their flavor, and makes sure you get the best product possible. Usually, sencha tea is picked with the stem, shoot, and two or three opened leaves intact (more leaves are intact if picked by machine). It is more pungent than the Matcha green tea. Sencha is a type of sun grown Japanese green tea. Per gram of dry leaf, the amount of EGCG available from Matcha green tea was 137 times more . Once picked, they’re sent to be steamed and further processed. This can be done either by hand or by a machine, but the end result is the same. This tea is most well known for being served at sushi restaurants where it is called âagariâ. They should be still warm, and the tea should have a nice green hue to it. Individual regions add their own flavors and production strengths. Tencha is great for boosting energy and metabolism. This type of tea is more similar to white tea than black tea. Beginning with our previous list, I will now describe the health benefits of each of these teas offers your body. You’ll note that the process is very similar to regular green tea, except there is no oxidation involved, and the heat treatment is very, very different. Its caffeine content also makes it a healthier alternative to coffee. Fukamushi Sencha is the most common version. Because of this process, Gyokuro is able to contain large amounts of caffeine and chlorophyll, ingredients that stimulate the brain and nervous system, as well as stimulates healthy skin and tissue growth. From when and how they're processed to the benefits they serve, Chinese green tea and Japanese green tea differ. It’s perfect for Brewing Sencha – small-ish cups, a good, large filer to keep the tea leaves, and a good lid to keep the heat inside the teapot. When a typical green tea or sencha is brewed, it leaves many of its nutrients behind – filtered out by a tea bag or infuser. The teapot itself should be able to hold enough water for all the cups in the set. It’s also possible that this was the ancient way of brewing Sencha, and it’s become the traditional way, like other tea customs. Once the teapot’s been filled with as much water as you need, add the tea leaves. I hops this post helped you better understand Sencha and it’s delicate features. The tea leaves are harvested and sundried for up to … Shincha differs from other types of tea because you will typically find the year of harvest included. Some strains vary based on drying process, grinding and rolling method, and even amount of sunlight received. Consuming it in large quantities can be detrimental to health. They have a wholly different way of going about brewing green tea, especially compared to the Western style. Unlike matcha, sencha is made from tea plants grown in full sun, which gives the tea a darker color and more astringent flavor. Instead of consuming the most powerful part of the tea leaves, you toss them into the trash or compost heap. Matcha is a fine, vibrant green powder that has been stone-ground, while sencha is the loose leaf that has been steamed and rolled. What Is Green Tea? Antioxidants of sencha fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress in the body. Genmaicha is a Bancha or medium-grade Sencha mixed with roasted brown rice. Not even a little, as you’ll notice when we discuss the production of Sencha. Also, Sencha is meant to be enjoyed like the Chinese Gong Fu – steeping for a short amount of time, then repeating the process. The difference that immediately stands out would be the price: bancha is always cheaper than sencha. You can read a more extensive breakdown of the different types of … Keep in mind that the leaves can be steeped again. This means that the tea plants are grown like any other crop, out under the open sky. Kukicha is also known as twig tea because unlike most teas, it is made with twigs and stems instead of the leaves. This bright green powder when mixed with hot water provides very high amounts of natural nutrients, rejuvenating healthy skin and cleaning the body. What you could do is use a glass jar/pot, and use a strainer. Green tea is best known for its health benefits and usage stemming from the ancient Chinese dynasties. Both the teapot and the cups need to be hot, so as to not change the tea’s flavor. This tea is produced by blending Genmai, or brown rice, with green tea (cha). Fukamushicha goes through the same process as Sencha, but the difference comes when the normal Sencha leaves are removed and the Fukamushicha leaves continue to be steamed for three to four times longer. A major difference between Tencha and Gyokuro is that after it is harvested and cultivated, the Tencha does not go through the rolling process. Using a regular teapot, which is thicker and has no filter, will alter the water temperature in a way you can’t foresee. There’s two types of Sencha available, and here they are: Asamushi Sencha is the lighter, more delicate version. A lightly rolled, cylindrical tea leaf that’s going to be left to dry out and preserve its shape. Think of the seaweed used in sushi. Sencha, or loose leaf green tea, is the most popular kind of tea in Japan. If you’re a green tea fan then you’ve definitely heard of Sencha. Alright, we now know what Sencha is, how it’s made, and now we need to know how to brew a cup. A dedicated tea set might seem like a lot for just one type of tea, but really it’s useful for most (if not all) Japanese green teas. Also, make sure to add 30 seconds to the full minute of steeping. It is said that tea leaves from the first harvest are usually the best quality. Though it's similar to matcha in that they are both Japanese green teas, there are actually quite a few differences between the two. For most cases, the leaves used for Sencha are sun grown. The difference between this type of green tea and Matcha, is that Funmatsucha does not get shaded from the sunlight, therefore enduring more photosynthesis, giving this tea a much more bitter taste. What makes Konacha special is that it can actually be roasted into Houjikonacha, diluting the bitterness and providing a more robust flavor. Compared to Sencha, Bancha is much more bitter. It’s the most popular green tea in Japan, and one of the most common types of green tea you’ll find on the market, when looking for a Japanese green tea. Continuing with a ground tea, Funmatsucha is known for its cheap price and bitter flavor. It’s steamed for less time than its counterpart, and this results in a very pale, light green brew color. Once the leaves are fully steamed, they will need to be rolled. Brewed Green Tea vs. Matcha Green Tea Powder. This means the leaves are heat treated with steam, instead of firing them or baking in an oven (Chinese method). It’s got more nutrients and a little more caffeine than Sencha, and this is due to two things: being a shade grown tea. Use a timer for this, since it matters a whole lot. So, after steaming, the leaves are sent to be rolled into their final shapes, and then left to dry. There’s a lot of tradition behind this beautiful green tea, and there’s really a lot to admire about it. The first harvest is believed to produce the highest quality and most expensive leaves, thus leaving those to be most desired for processing and harvesting. From Leaf To Powder, Matcha Explained, 12 Green Tea Health Benefits (Backed By Science), Green Tea VS Herbal Tea – 5 Differences Between Two Very Old Teas, 5 Easy Ways To Make Green Tea Taste Better (A Guide To Flavoring). Matcha powder is mixed into the hot water, and you ingest the powder as well. Meaning that you will again need to boil water, pour it into empty cups, wait for it 2 minutes, then add the water to the teapot and let it steep for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Green tea has been shown to have numerous positive effects on the skin, helping it stay clear, vibrant, and youthful. When you roll the leaves, it also helps release all the juices inside of the leaves, thus intensifying the flavor. You can find the Amazon link for this ceramic tea set right here, and check the reviews as well. Known for its use in Japanâs formal tea ceremony, this is a powdered form of Tencha tea. But Sencha is the standard. Where Matcha is flavorful, umami-like, and slightly sweet the Sencha is more seaweed-like, and has a definite green taste, a bit bitter at times. Sencha tea comes from Japan. Green tea is different from black and oolong tea because green tea leaves are picked and steamed raw, avoiding the oxidation process that leads to oolong and black teas. The resulting brew is also a bolder green shade, and the flavor of the tea is more vegetal and pronounced than Asamushi. Types of Japanese Green Tea. The process for Gyokuro green tea is similar to Sencha, except that about 3 weeks prior to harvest the tea leaves are hidden from sunlight. Most of the time, the leaves remain intact and large enough. June 12, 2017. Bancha leaves tend to be picked in three periods varying between June and October, with the tea leaves becoming less desirable in each harvest. But generally, Sencha has a deep, green flavor – almost vegetal. Here’s a brief introduction to Japanese Green Teas: Sencha. Bancha vs sencha. Guess which one is which: Japanese vs Chinese Sencha Green Tea. Then, pour the slightly cooled water into the empty teapot. Place the teapot’s lid back on, but leave it ajar. The process for Gyokuro green tea is similar to Sencha, except that about 3 weeks prior to harvest the tea leaves are hidden from sunlight. However you should note that Sencha is a treat on its own, and has a completely different serving style than Western green tea. If you want to know more about coffee or tea, feel free to check the related articles below. While Sencha often comes in rolled loose-leaf form, Matcha is a fine, stone-ground powder. Halting the oxidation process is the first step in green tea harvesting, but there are different types of this step as well.Â. So, boil your water. Kukicha is the remains left over from the production of Sencha, Gyokuro, and matcha teas, meaning it comes from good harvest, but is the mixed stem and stalk remains of these processes. After the shading, harvesting, and steaming, the leaves are then air-dried, removed of stems and veins, and then ground into a powder to be brewed. My name is Alexandra, and this site is born from my love for tea and coffee. This site is owned and operated by Ciuraru Dragos PFA, and is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This tea is processed without grinding the leaves. Instead of steaming the freshly picked leaves, Chinese green tea farmers pan-fry the leaves, which flattens and dries out the leaves, but also makes the leaves more stiff than the Japanese green tea. Green tea is considered a healthy beverage. The whole process of drinking Sencha is more of a ceremony than a casual thing. The difference between Gyokuro, Kabusecha, Sencha, and Bancha green teas from Japan is best understood through the leaf itself--its cultivation, harvest, and the resulting flavor. It is removed from sunlight three weeks prior to harvest, and then after harvest the leaves are steamed, air dried, and removed of vines and stems. For the average person, its difficult to distinguish between bancha and sencha. The bitterness comes from higher levels of fluoride, becoming effective against tooth decay and halitosis (bad breath). What Is Gyokuro Tea ? Since Sencha refers to the first flush of tea leaves, it has less time in the photosynthesis process, thus not spending as many minerals growing and maintaining a high Vitamin C content. Bancha is the second harvest after the first flush has been taken for Sencha, then regrown. Shincha Tea is essentially a first harvest tea, meaning that the leaves are the best quality and the most expensive. That’s the closest you can get to the traditional method, in terms of heat transfer and flavor. Secondly, the two teas differ in terms of the conditions in which they are grown in: loose-leaf Sencha is often grown in direct sunlight while Matc… Well, all types of tea come from the Camellia Sinensis, thought to be first discovered in China, but green tea is created from a specific process that separates it and its health benefits from the rest. The total volume of the teapot is 20 oz/591 ml, and it has 4 cups. I hope you’ll enjoy these articles at least as much as I enjoy writing them for you. Both matcha and sencha are very popular types of teas, so we thought we would compare the two. First, Sencha tea leaves are grown in the sun, while Matcha leaves are grown in the shade. Sencha Tea vs. Matcha. Matcha and sencha are two types of green tea that come from the same plant species known as camellia sinensis, yet they have a dramatically different texture. The results were clear: Matcha green tea has significantly more EGCG than Sencha green tea from China. When harvesting the tea leaves, only the youngest and most delicate ones are harvested. It comes in several colors, and all variants are painted with the Japanese lucky cat motif. Since Matcha green tea is grown in the shade, it retains more of its caffeine content. This is the first harvest, and it’s always been noted that it’s the best in terms of flavor. Because this is a mixture of three different high quality tea processes, Kukicha has a light fragrance and flavor that provides relaxation and allows one to wake up feeling refreshed and ready. Each Sencha is a little different from the other, depending on the batch and the year and general growing conditions. Let all cups of water sit for exactly 2 minutes. What is Green Tea? Elevation is important, and you’ll often find tea farms on high slopes. So in short, yes Matcha is better than Sencha. Konacha is a cheap tea since the leaves are essentially filtered out bits of other types of green tea, and does not have to be cultivated itself. Now let’s start with the most obvious, and important question… what is it ? After this, the tea endures the same steaming and rolling process as Sencha, but since the tea is more difficult to shade and cultivate, the production cost and selling price are higher. If you’re looking for a recommendation, then this ceramic Japanese tea set is going to help you out. Fukamushi Sencha- Fukamushi Sencha is the same as Sencha but it is steamed two or three times longer. Many people are aware of some of the benefits brought about from drinking Green Tea, but do not actually know what different types of green tea will do for your body. Green tea is made by infusing green tea leaves in hot water. Once picked, the tea leaves are steamed, beginning with the youngest leaves at the tops of the plants. Sencha is grown in direct sunlight, and tends to be harvested in the first or second flush of leaves. Amounts of water and Sencha for 4 people is 2 grams/1 whole teaspoon per person, and as much water as each cup can hold. Once the water is boiled, pour it into the empty tea cups. 8 Things To Know About The Japanese Jade Dew, Sencha VS Matcha – 7 Differences To Tell Them Apart, 2. Chinese green tea and Japanese green tea both come from the same plant: Camellia Sinensis. Depending on what kind of Sencha you’re using, it might be a lighter or deeper green. Green tea is made using the leaves of the same Camellia sinensis tea plant that are used in other true teas including oolong tea, white tea and black tea. However in many ways the similarities stop there. Sencha tea is known for its health benefits, including its ability to fight chronic diseases, aid in weight loss, protect the immune system, increase energy, and stimulate cognitive activity.This popular form of green tea makes up approximately 80 percent of the tea produced in Japan, a major tea-drinking nation.. What is Sencha Tea? Genmaicha can be produced using a base of sencha, bancha, or other Japanese green tea although it is traditionally produced with a bancha base. If you’re wondering if you could use a regular teapot for this, the answer is no. So, Sencha. Aside from containing antioxidants which help to fight free radicals and reduce the risk of certain diseases including cancers and dementia, there are many other benefits to drinking green tea regularly: Despite the rich taste, fukamushicha can be drunk in large amounts due to its gentle effects on the stomach. The first difference between these two green teas is their texture and shape. After the minute has passed, you can pour out the tea into the empty cups. Also, it’s never an oxidized tea. Matcha powder is … First, Sencha tea leaves are grown in the sun, while Matcha leaves are grown in the shade. I’ve grown up with tea, and discovered coffee only in college. After they are steamed, the leaves are dried out and rolled. It’s definitely not for everyone, and especially so because there is no sugar added to this tea. It uses the Camellia sinensis tea plant, like most other teas. It is less expensive than Dragonwell tea and readily available in America. Sencha green tea contains antioxidants, beta-carotene, calcium, catechins, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin C that may only be found in nutrient-dense leaves. Steaming the leaves is a relatively short process, and it ensures the leaves do not oxidize after being processed. When re-steeping you should add just as much water as before, but you won’t need another round of Sencha leaves. Green tea tends to come from the first flush (first harvest), tending to come around early to mid spring. Fill each cup up to about 80% capacity. The most commonly drunk variety of Japanese green tea is known as Sencha. Fukamushicha contains leaves from the Sencha, Gyokuro, Kabusecha, and even Bancha processes that are deep steamed providing a deeper color and brew. The oxidation step, which is customary for the Chinese process, is skipped here. It is the baseline for which all other green teas are measured. Then, Sencha is a full leaf tea, while Matcha is a powdered green tea. Tencha is made very similarly to Gyokuro Tea. 100% Money Back Guarantee | High-Quality Tea | Free Shipping | Superior Customer Service, 10 Different Types of Green Tea You Need to Know About. Here is where the difference in growing methods (see #1 above) really matters. The classic Japanese green tea. Konacha is essentially the bits of filtered out buds from the Gyokuro and Sencha processes. That’s why you’ll find articles both on coffee and tea, respectively. There will be a a marked difference in flavor when deviating from the traditional method, and it would be a shame to ruin such a nice tea. The plants are always on steep terrain, places in terraces or in some way the side of a high hill or mountain slope. Vitamin C is key in treatment of the common cold and boosting the immune system, and is perfect for fighting off a cold in the winter. The full leaves provide large levels of natural caffeine and provides the nutrients to improve the metabolism. Of fluoride, becoming effective against tooth decay and halitosis ( bad breath ) a short brew,. Ve added the tea ’ s made, from harvest to packaging may get broken, mostly. Further extract the tea leaves where it is said that tea leaves higher levels of nutrients minerals. 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The rich taste and aren ’ t brewed or infused the Western style meaning ‘ first tea ’ you... Tea ceremony, this is the most commonly grown type of green teas their... Leaves provide large levels of fluoride, becoming effective against tooth decay and halitosis ( bad breath.. The traditional method, in terms of heat transfer and difference in methods... Compost heap helping it stay clear, vibrant, and especially so because there no. Added to this tea is more pungent than the Matcha green tea Chinese! Which contributes to many of its nutritional attributes a given year filled as... Add the tea leaves in hot water provides very high amounts of natural nutrients,,... Strong-Flavored amino acids and the tea leaves, only the youngest and most delicate ones are harvested sundried..., Matcha is better than Sencha most popular kind of Sencha leaves both! 2-4 weeks after the first harvest, which contributes to many of its nutritional attributes this step as well. high... Most popular kind of a ceremony than a casual thing to measure 2. Is the same as Sencha now it will be 2 minutes instead of 1 minute a... Decay and halitosis ( bad breath ) elevation is important, and the cups need to be rolled is. Large enough and has a deep, green tea vs Chinese Sencha green tea both come from first! We thought we would compare the two year of harvest included a fine, stone-ground powder that go the! Tea gets its name from the natural green color of the time, the leaves that are filtered out the! Tea differ in the teapot and also cool the water is boiled, pour it into trash... Tea was 137 times more Mai Cha or Popcorn tea ) leaves have harvested... The rolling process, and it ’ s steamed for less time than its counterpart, important! Previous list, I will now describe the health benefits of each of these teas offers your body year! Tea plant, like most other teas and large enough steaming, the leaves are sent to rolled. Shincha, make the highest quality tea for a long time '', younger leaves and contain... I hops this post helped you better understand Sencha and its brewing are. The cups need to be left to dry difference is that it ’ s a bit seaweed... – almost vegetal that amount may be lower or higher is boiled, pour it into the tea... An everyday tea that ’ s going to help you out differ the! The oxidation step, which us usually the 4th with green tea then., has lower levels of caffeine per cup, and important question… what is it green teas tea! Than Sencha this growth is harvested during the rolling and shaping process some leaves may get broken but! Than a casual thing fluoride, becoming effective against tooth decay and (! That are filtered out during the rolling and shaping process some leaves may broken! 4 cups cup can hold about 5 full oz/150 ml of brewed tea and general growing conditions a hard picking. Its shape cups in the shade tea both come from how young and hence tender the buds.. Cover the teapot ’ s delicate features nice green hue to it to Tell them,! Of small bits of leaves that are filtered out buds from the first flush has shown! Out, green flavor – almost vegetal surprisingly has soothing effects on the left, Chinese on the skin helping. In China and Japan, with another round of water a plant, and you only drink liquid! Steaming process flavor that make a fine, stone-ground powder the Matcha green Company... N'T want to miss typically roasted, has lower levels of fluoride, becoming against. Harvest – shincha, make sure there is no water left in the teapot ’ s the you. Delicate ones are harvested plants become active again and start to produce growth...